Turn AXE-FXII ON/OFF using a Power Conditioner.


Is it safe to have the ON/OFF switch for my equipment, including the AXE-FXII in the ON position and using a Power Conditioner to turn everyting ON/OFF?

Is it different then using the ON/OFF switch on each unit in any way?
Nope. No difference. Axe on/off switch is just a simple switch straight in line from the mains power cord. All it does is cut the power. At least it was like that on the ultra, and I think it's the same on the II.
I was experiencing occasional boot failure with blank screen and all LEDs on. I posted the issue to the forum and one of the senior members (sorry I can't give credit to the person, I don't recall who it was) suggested not porwering up or down with conditioner. I haven't had the problem since. ymmv.
I always turn on the power conditioner first & let it "stabilize" before I power anything else up. I also like to make sure the line voltage is good on the power conditioner before powering anything else up.
I always turn on the power conditioner first & let it "stabilize" before I power anything else up. I also like to make sure the line voltage is good on the power conditioner before powering anything else up.

Sage advice indeed
I always turn on the power conditioner first & let it "stabilize" before I power anything else up.
Monster Power makes both the Pro 2500 and 3500 Power Centers that have a great feature that'll turn your power amps on after all of your preamp gear turns on and boots up. Eliminates that horrible pop or crack in the speakers when you're booting up your gear. Power amps/cabs should always be last on!

I also like to make sure the line voltage is good on the power conditioner before powering anything else up.
The Monster Power Centers also have a voltage meter ON with the whole unit OFF. The line level voltage therefore can always be monitored and checked before flipping the switch to the rest of your gear.

Carvin also makes the AC120S power conditioner that has individual selectable on/off buttons for each of the 10 outlets in the back. You can even program it to turn each on with a 1, 2, 3, or 4 second gap between each one to ensure your speakers don't get hit by units being turned on.

I own both and love both. Recommend either.
I've only ever used the II's switch but a couple of times. It is always on and I use my racked power conditioner as a master power switch.
Over a year and a half, no issues yet. :)
Carvin also makes the AC120S power conditioner that has individual selectable on/off buttons for each of the 10 outlets in the back. You can even program it to turn each on with a 1, 2, 3, or 4 second gap between each one to ensure your speakers don't get hit by units being turned on.

I just got the AC120S - it's a fantastic power conditioner unit. it also shows the line voltage when plugged in prior to powering anything on. highly recommend this unit, especially for the price.
The AC120S is great. And yes bright red voltage meter on front as well!

I like the fact that I can pick and choose what I want to turn on. The AC120S is currently in my studio rack powering my Big Knob, active monitors and whatever else I have that needs power on my desk. I love it!
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