Tuner: do you want the magic ball removed?

Do you want the Magic 8-ball removed?

  • Yes, I do want it to be removed.

    Votes: 38 10.4%
  • No, I like it.

    Votes: 326 89.6%

  • Total voters
If you are incapable of not looking at it you belong to the club that needs the Caution Hot warnings on your coffee cup!

The best solution for you would be to poke out both your eyes and tune by ear.
As I mentioned in the other thread, I sincerely hope Cliff just had a rough week and was either joking or letting off some steam. Hey, it happens to all of us...refer to one of my earlier posts in that same thread where I got frustrated with someone's reaction to my OP: he said "not this again!" dismissively and I reacted by saying "never effing mind!" Probably not my finest moment.

Anyway, at this point I would say let's give Cliff the benefit of the doubt on this one and let it rest. He is well aware that the majority of users, even the OP on that thread (moi) are in favor or retaining the 8-ball. Let's all just give Cliff some breathing room and go play guitar. ;-)

Have a great weekend, all. Gonna use my wonderful AxeFXII on two different gigs this weekend, 8-ball and all.
Quoting from the other thread that caused this to be revived:

FractalAudio said:
I'm going to leave it be, but the first person who complains I'm going to pull a Jay and Silent Bob and buy a plane ticket just to go kick your ass.

So all is right again in the tuning world. For now.
Have you even read that other thread? The OP over there did NOT have issues with understanding how it works.
You call people stupid and don't even have the courtesy to use 5 minutes to read what it's all about!??

I have been following this and other threads regarding this issue from the beginning and posted in them several times (which you will certainly have noticed).
My comment was not directed at people having problems with the Tourette tuner but at those who are -with all due respect - too stupid to understand how the 8ball works in general. Thank you.
HOLY SHIT! I can't believe this thread is still alive! Everybody!... shut up about the f'ing tuner ball already. As I mentioned once before in another stupid thread, this reminds me of that Louis C.K. comedy bit: Everything Is Amazing And No One Is Happy.
Fractal needs to promote the 8 Ball phenomena. Just think all the people who would buy the Axe just to experience the controversial 8 Ball for themselves.

In Hollywood there would be Fractal 8 Ball parties, others would flock to be healed by the 8 Ball and still others would believe it is predicting the end of the world. All Fractal need is an Enquirer cover shot.
I'm late to the party which apparently began before I got my AXE-FX.

I don't see what the big deal is, I either look at it (the 8-ball) or I don't. I can see where it would come in handy for intonation, etc.

Gotta ask, what difference does it make? Is it a resource hog? Does removing it make more room for something even more useful? How about adding a "Disable 8-Ball Whining" switch in Global? ;)

Seriously, shouldn't we all be practicing and creating kick ass patches. ;)

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