
I just noticed the tuner calibration does not work when you use AES 3 into an interface. I have the ULN-2 by metric halo and when I put the axe fx on AES clock , the signal is cleaner, but my tuner calibration doesn't work. When I put the clock back to auto the tuner calibration works ( but the signal is noisy/not what I want to use to record) How can this be fixed? I am assuming the signal is getting lost/not picked up due to clocking. I'd prefer to be able to not have to switch clocks to stay in tune haha. ( I hate the tuners in my DAW). I have quantum firmware from the second to last update. Will this be fixed in future updates? Can it be fixed/or is this not possible?
Which firmware? I'm not sure if you mean Quantum 1.06 or Q2.00 beta 2. Tuner works normally here on Q2.00 beta 3 w/ SPDIF clock source. I don't have anything w/ AES out to test.

Is your AES clock source set to 48k?

Is the Axe-FX configured for front instr. input, mode = left only? Are you adjusting anything other than its "word clock" parameter during this process?

Could you describe "tuner calibration does not work"? Are you saying the tuner continues to function, but the CAL parameter (on CONFIG) page won't adjust what gets read as in-tune? Is the tuner displaying different notes from what you play?
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