Traveling with the FM9: A Caution.

TBH, I don't care if someone took a steaming dump in his Cheerios, put out their cigar on his grandmother's forehead, and kicked his cat before I arrived at his customer service counter, there is no, zero, zilch, nada excuse for taking out his frustration on a disabled woman asking for the wheelchair assistance we specifically arranged for weeks prior and forcing her to wait for it, while standing at the counter being discriminated against (ADA/508 lawsuits are particularlynasty for the violator), treating her like dog crap, and purpsely leaving her name off the ticket so TSA can cause further upset after we leave his area. That, along with UDAAP violation: "it's on our website" is not sufficient - anything materially affecting the customer negatively financially is, by law, required to be easily seen without scrolling down twelve screens and digging through small print.

Zero excuse for the guy's behavior. I want his head in a fucking jar of mineral oil on my mantle, along with those of the four cackling hens behind the counter that he was showing off for, who stood there loudly talking, sometimes about what we were doing, sometimes about other utter BS, but always within earshot so they could invade our privacy and make sniping comments about the proceedings....
Before the puff of smoke rises too far from your head, I empathize with you, but realize that not all business agents tactfully do their jobs. If you're feeling contentious, a well-phrased complaint letter to the newspaper (while wording it semi-politely) is the best way to solve your issues.

FTR, I'm not defending the TSA clerk. Just hoping you don't punch a wall or something.

Businesses take it seriously when they receive bad public press, and usually apologize formally and offer reparations.

TBH, I felt humiliated when the radio talk show guys were having a laugh once they realized their mistake, but it was clear in my mind that I wasn't about to play ball games with them. Subtle trash talk between sports players is common, but two bricks from the pile when they don't expect it works wonderfully.

Meanwhile, don't get into trouble with the law. I know that kettle needs to release the steam, but instead, stay home, remove the sneakers, put your feet up, and enjoy a sandwich and a cuppa decaf tea. Trust me, you'll feel better you didn't go to bed angry.
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TBH, I don't care if someone took a steaming dump in his Cheerios, put out their cigar on his grandmother's forehead, and kicked his cat before I arrived at his customer service counter, there is no, zero, zilch, nada excuse for taking out his frustration on a disabled woman asking for the wheelchair assistance we specifically arranged for weeks prior and forcing her to wait for it, while standing at the counter being discriminated against (ADA/508 lawsuits are particularlynasty for the violator), treating her like dog crap, and purpsely leaving her name off the ticket so TSA can cause further upset after we leave his area. That, along with UDAAP violation: "it's on our website" is not sufficient - anything materially affecting the customer negatively financially is, by law, required to be easily seen without scrolling down twelve screens and digging through small print.

Zero excuse for the guy's behavior. I want his head in a fucking jar of mineral oil on my mantle, along with those of the four cackling hens behind the counter that he was showing off for, who stood there loudly talking, sometimes about what we were doing, sometimes about other utter BS, but always within earshot so they could invade our privacy and make sniping comments about the proceedings....
Their security cameras will have footage.

Personally, I wouldn't talk to the airport or airline any further, I'd get a lawyer who's working for a big organization that fights this stuff, tell them what happened, and see what they say. Then let the lawyers talk to them. You'll see the airline fold quickly when asked for the security camera footage.
Before the puff of smoke rises too far from your head, I empathize with you, but realize that not all business agents tactfully do their jobs.

Big diff between 'untactful' and this bunch of turds.

If you're feeling contentious, a well-phrased complaint letter to the newspaper (while wording it semi-politely) is the best way to solve your issues.

Waiting until we can file the complaint at without f-bombs creeping in to submit the complaint, and recovering from the nasty cold we caught upon returninghome, after days of cold, wet, rainy weather after the two funerals. Dude was so rotten that the mom's and sister's funeral and the hurricane were actually not the worst part of the trip for BJ.

FTR, I'm not defending the TSA clerk. Just hoping you don't punch a wall or something.

This is anger far beyond abusing unrelated inanimate objects.

Businesses take it seriously when they receive bad public press, and usually apologize formally and offer reparations.

Acceptable reparations are not legally possible. The best that can probably be hoped for is for jerks to lose jobs, not heads.
The biggest problem in the world today is lack of repercussions for people being abusive assholes. This includes most political leaders, BTW....

Meanwhile, don't get into trouble with the law. I know that kettle needs to release the steam, but instead, stay home, remove the sneakers, put your feet up, and enjoy a sandwich and a cuppa decaf tea. Trust me, you'll feel better you didn't go to bed angry.

When did I suggest I would do anything illegal? It's not like I was planning to go to Philly and jar their heads personally. AA will be doing that, ideally, and delivering them. ;)
Their security cameras will have footage.

Personally, I wouldn't talk to the airport or airline any further, I'd get a lawyer who's working for a big organization that fights this stuff, tell them what happened, and see what they say. Then let the lawyers talk to them. You'll see the airline fold quickly when asked for the security camera footage.

Going straight to with it. Letting the Feds talk to them.

I want the ADA/508 advocate that the student at MCC got, years back, when his instructor refused to provide alternative classroom materials to accommodate his disability. That cost MCCCD over $14 million, and forced a lot of accessibility violations to be brought up to code, at the AAA level, district wide across every Maricopa colllege, all because of one professor with an overinflated sense of self-importance and a shitty attitude....
Big diff between 'untactful' and this bunch of turds.

Waiting until we can file the complaint at without f-bombs creeping in to submit the complaint, and recovering from the nasty cold we caught upon returninghome, after days of cold, wet, rainy weather after the two funerals. Dude was so rotten that the mom's and sister's funeral and the hurricane were actually not the worst part of the trip for BJ.

This is anger far beyond abusing unrelated inanimate objects.

Acceptable reparations are not legally possible. The best that can probably be hoped for is for jerks to lose jobs, not heads.
The biggest problem in the world today is lack of repercussions for people being abusive assholes. This includes most political leaders, BTW....

When did I suggest I would do anything illegal? It's not like I was planning to go to Philly and jar their heads personally. AA will be doing that, ideally, and delivering them. ;)
Drizzle drazzle drazzle drome, time for this one to go home...

I've felt the same way after a funeral from the combination of grief and anger over losing someone plus the added cold from compromised immune system, rain and air wonder you were ticked.

You are not the only one, and had the insensitive TSA guy realized your situation, he might have been more empathetic. My condolences. Hope the trip wasn't a total loss, and that you met up with family for a while.
Drizzle drazzle drazzle drome, time for this one to go home...

I've felt the same way after a funeral from the combination of grief and anger over losing someone plus the added cold from compromised immune system, rain and air wonder you were ticked.

The cold came after returning, and per the generally accepted incubation period of 1-3 days, at least a day or two after.

You are not the only one, and had the insensitive TSA guy realized your situation, he might have been more empathetic. My condolences. Hope the trip wasn't a total loss, and that you met up with family for a while.
The TSA guy actually was surprisingly quick and efficient at handling the mixup with the ticket and lack of name on it.

The issue was the AA ticketing counter people.
For all non-US citizens there's the additional hurdle of the immigration officers. The guys and ladies can be total jerks and there's nothing you can do against it, no way to file a complaint. If they have a bad day a don't like you they send you home on your own expense.
The cold came after returning, and per the generally accepted incubation period of 1-3 days, at least a day or two after.

The TSA guy actually was surprisingly quick and efficient at handling the mixup with the ticket and lack of name on it.

The issue was the AA ticketing counter people.

Inside my front foyer there's a printed sign on my wall...

It reads:

"I know you have issues with certain things and
Are sick and tired of the world's problems.
Just a minute, let me check...
Yes, I have tea, noodles and cookies.
Have some while you're here."

Any time you need to unload,
I keep spare sets of chopsticks for the noodles.
Their security cameras will have footage.

Personally, I wouldn't talk to the airport or airline any further, I'd get a lawyer who's working for a big organization that fights this stuff, tell them what happened, and see what they say. Then let the lawyers talk to them. You'll see the airline fold quickly when asked for the security camera footage.
Their automated email notifications pretty much pinpointed exactly when her seat assignment got changed. 1:04PM on the day of the flight. I bet $5 that's exactly when we were at the ticketing counter talking with their wonderful ticketing agents. The jackhole moved her from next to me, in 15C, to 36B, way in the bumpy, seasick back of the plane.... :mad:
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