Tower of Axe Fx's!


I am jealous.

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Lets try to not assume things.

That's a fact though, not an assumption. He implied that this gives him a significant advantage and I think that's pretty likely.

Misha's father is the minister of finance of Mauritius. Jake Bowen's uncle is John Petrucci. I can't help but think those two things combined have given periphery a massive advantage. Don't get me wrong, I love them and they absolutely deserve the attention they're getting.
Misha's father is the minister of finance of Mauritius
Not exactly true. He was – and isn't since last year – Financial Secretary, which is the highest public officer (not elected then) post in the ministry. Since he went back to the United States. Previously he worked for the World Bank, I guess he's back there.
Don't forget that Misha earns from his production works too
funny I didnt ask Misha himself hey dude how much cash do YOU make, tell me now, and show me your bank account? You guys are so hypersensitive. I was asking in a general sense out of curiosity and the with changes in album sales, etc. etc. can a band like this cool but obscure actually support themselves as a musician only.

Just as we all wonder how the other half lives, what people do, etc.
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Such nonsense - great pic of a stack of Axe Fx's and the issue everyone is arguing about is how they funded them?!?!?
I think there's more at work for them than who they are related to. I mean 3 band members have signature guitars with Ibanez, prs and Jackson? bulb and jake have signature pickups with dimarzio and bare knuckle

just because some of us don't recognize their achievements doesn't mean that others haven't noticed
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