Tone/preset switch to Axe FX II



Getting the MFC-100 is a bit too much for me with my budget, so I am intrested in something that can just change my tone or preset.
Well is there anything simple that you could use, just a footswtich or something connected to the axe which changes preset.
Yes thanks man but I was more wondering where do I find a cheap switch :D
Cant find a good one only big expensive floorboards
A switch?

Any latching / momentary switch will do. Boss FU5/FL5, Boss FS6 etc.
Behringer Fcb1010 preferably with UnO chip is the cheapest, best bang for buck out there. Maybe even used?

Just pedals: most amplifier channel switches will work, just not the USB ones. The axe will work with momentary AND latching. Google for single footswitch.

But the rear pedal in will only go one way, since you can only connect one pedal/switch. Which is one thing I didn't understand the change from gen1s 2 ports to the IIs having only 1.
Just read the page Yek linked. You can switch quite a bit with the one. Now if it could switch scenes... Too lazy to check.
Yes, you can switch scenes too. In I/O > Ctrl change Scene Select from CC34 to Pedal.
A single switch, connected to the rear pedal jack, will now change between scene 1 and scene 8, depending on its on/off state.
In theory, haven't tested it yet. :)
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