TIP: Increase MIDI Time Code resolution to fix popping when syncing time based effects



For those of you who are syncing your Axe Fx units to your DAW, you may experience popping/clicking when adjusting the playback head when using time based effects.
I managed to fix this in my own case by adjusting the parameters described below. This also fixed my tempo deviation between my Axe Fx and DAW, e.g. Axe Fx bouncing between 120-121 tempo wise when set to 120 in the DAW.

In Reaper, go to Options -> Preferences -> Media -> MIDI and increase "Ticks per quarter note for new MIDI items: I doubled mine to 1920 from 960.

In Cubase, go to Edit -> Preferences -> MIDI and increase the "MIDI Display Resolution 1/16": I doubled mine to 240 from 120.

Hope this helps. It got rid of all of my popping with patches that have tempo synced effects.


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