Thinking of moving from Sarasota FL to Greenville SC. Thoughts?


Fractal Fanatic
Cost of living in Sarasota sucks. Price of home, taxes, insurance, low pay.....tired of it. Anyone live or lived in Greenville SC? Thoughts? I do commercial insurance and would like to find a job doing that there. Need quality schools for young children. Wife needs a job too. She has been at same place for 7 years managing a medical facility.

Also, want to make sure there are places to play cover music at there. Ideas? Both of us have college degrees and our age is 32 and 35.

Right now we pay $1700 a month for rent. We both make combined $88k year.
I live a couple of hours from Greenville. Never been really impressed with it. Has a quaint little downtown for the yuppies but otherwise not much to see. Main industry there is the BMW factory. Bonus is that it is pretty close to Hotlanta with a cheaper cost of living.
My aunt moved to Greenville a couple of years ago and my mother is moving there in a year or so. They are both in their 70s... take that how you will!
I didn't think Sarasota was that bad... I was actually looking at moving there... but then again, I live in CT... wanna talk taxes????!!!!??!!?:shock
Not quite the same, but we (my wife and two boys) moved from Miami to Fort Mill South Carolina, which is a suburb of Charlotte, NC. We absolutely love it here and have NO regrets whatsoever leaving Florida. The schools are significantly better, the cost of living is lower, and people are generally nicer. I would imagine Greenville is a great place to live too. It is basically in the mountains and is a short drive to Charlotte or Atlanta. Weather wise, our summers are still hot (not as hot as Florida though), but spring and fall are amazing, and winter is cool (it can snow on occasion), but winter is also generally pretty nice. Personally, I love the weather here. It is nice to have a true change in season... it's east to get tired of the hot or warm all the time in Florida. Good luck with whatever you decide!
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