things that make you laugh


Power User
Lately I've been in a personal slump so I wanted to ask you guys what do you guys do to get some laughs? Give me as many ideas as possible for maximum lulz.
I don't know if this will make you laugh... just a personal observation: Of all the people I've met and known... the most interesting, creative, unique and talented ones have been, almost without fail, left handed people.
Top 3 vid of all time for me: Patrese & Wife - subtitled - YouTube :D
If that doesn't do it, I put in a search for "pranks" :D (or FAILs :eek:ops)
Or something with cats or animals.

Or have someone you love tickle you...? :D
Looking at old photos of yourself/people...? (unless you're a melancholic)
I once drank a certain combination of fresh green juices that gave me a BIG smile for a whole hour! :)
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I'll also add this...

When we are depressed or feeling down, that 'feeling' is caused, without fail, by the thought process. We may find ourselves in situations or predicaments that, on their own, are nothing more than what is occurring at that moment in time... but, it is the thought process that turns those events into something good or bad, positive or negative... and all points in-between. When we observe our thoughts (especially while in a depressed state), the observation will always yield the same results... thoughts that go something like this... "This sucks"... "If only I could..."... "I don't like this/that"... "I hate when..."... "I feel stupid"... you get the idea. When thoughts are not labeling and judging the present, the only other thing they are capable of doing is drudging up the past or projecting into some imagined future... neither of which exist but for within our thoughts.

The reason something funny will temporarily relieve depression is simple: for that moment, your mind was directed to being PRESENT... and in being present, the mind (thought process) is no longer active, and thus, no longer labeling (with words) whatever happens to be going on around you.

The quickest route to being present (and as simple a concept as this is, it's not entirely easy to do because we've been trained to believe that thinking is what makes us great), is to focus ALL your attention on whatever you happen to be doing. Ignore any passing thoughts. One can not out-think thinking. It is an endless trap... an infinite feedback-loop, if you will.

Less thinking = More LIFE
When we are depressed or feeling down, that 'feeling' is caused, without fail, by the thought process.
I just heard that again when I fell asleep to The Happiness Matrix :D
The Happiness Matrix - Official Website
I'll try to watch it eventually.

Realistically, I don't agree with the "without fail" of course... There's so much going wrong in your body that can attribute to it - you just can't keep "thinking" or "not thinking" that away in practice.
Which brings me to another great happiness tip: take a good dump :D The more the merrier ;) Have a few colon cleanses :D
You know I've actually tried to completely focus but my mind is evil and it will just keep bugging me. It usually gets to the point where I can't even play guitar or video games. It sucks but that's why I'm looking for laughs. Laughter is good for the heart they say :)
Don't focus your mind (it will ALWAYS try to take you out of the moment... this is its' 'job')... focus your awareness... become aware of as much as possible simultaneously through all the senses.

Failing that... there's always this...

I just heard that again when I fell asleep to The Happiness Matrix :D
The Happiness Matrix - Official Website
I'll try to watch it eventually.

Realistically, I don't agree with the "without fail" of course... There's so much going wrong in your body that can attribute to it - you just can't keep "thinking" or "not thinking" that away in practice.
Which brings me to another great happiness tip: take a good dump :D The more the merrier ;) Have a few colon cleanses :D
good dump? Agh don't remind me of colon cleanse. That process is unpleasant :razz
You know I've actually tried to completely focus but my mind is evil and it will just keep bugging me.
I've had it where I was so traumatised I got consumed by bad thoughts (e.g. "revenge") from the moment I wasn't being absorbed by something that really interested me. Luckily I have a few of those interests :) For me, the other part is the "simple" things, like getting out much more, get some sun, fresh air, some excercise, seeing other people, ... I can get *too* absorbed in my interests and live in my own world.

Anyway, getting on YouTube for this thread gave me quite some laughs! LOL
I laughed tears over this one: The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop... - YouTube
There's only one thing I know of that can bring true joy/contentment/peace, but we're not allowed to talk about that on guitar forums.
I should probably add... these observations have not come from any book I've read, or any 'workshop', or any spiritual/religious texts... these are my own observations as they relate to me based on firsthand experience of the mental state gone awry... namely: pharmaceutically treated major depression (long in the past)... and 2 major nervous breakdowns... one in my late 20's which rendered me unable to speak for near 2 months... and one in my late 30's which required a 3 month leave of absence from work. Obviously, diet and good rest are vital to health... but, in all cases, it was the thought process running out of control that caused these reactions.

Your mind is not 'evil'... all minds are. Clearly, I'm not talking about everyday problem solving skills such as the ones Cliff might use to make the Axe2 the best guitar related thing ever.

And... there's also this...

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