Thin sound

Holy smokes! The Bypass button had been activated. All I had to do was press it, the bloody thing was even blinking at me, mocking me. All seems well again thankfully. This must have been triggered somehow by the movement of the Mission foot controller that controls the this a known bug I wonder?
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This was a known bug in a previous version of the MFC firmware but it was supposed to have been fixed. The safest thing to do is to set the Bypass CC to None.
Thanks Cliff and GfromHarpOn for your help, much appreciated.

I feel like I aged ten years last night. That was an awful experience...failure mid gig, disappointed crowd, band mates let down and all I had to do was press a button to resolve the situation...but in my panic meltdown I didn't even notice the bypass button blinking at me. I could do with a firmware upgrade myself, one that installs an ice cold analytical function that kicks in when the technical heat is on! 'Kin'ell!
Does Cliff mean the Global Bypass (which makes sense Merlin)? There's also just a 'Bypass' which I have now set to None. The Global Bypass was further down the menu but I figured that Cliff would have said Global Bypass if he meant it.

Cliff can you clarify please?
I set both Bypasses to "none" and I had no dropout anymore!
Good workaround, but the issue seems not to be fixed by the MFC firmware update.
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