..TheAmpFactory Updated Info.

The pack is nearly ready. I have processed the data and the files are ready. Andy has given us permission to release 10 IRs free to the public. So we will be auditioning them over the next few days and will decide which 10 to release.

That's Great !! Thanks!!
The pack is nearly ready. I have processed the data and the files are ready. Andy has given us permission to release 10 IRs free to the public. So we will be auditioning them over the next few days and will decide which 10 to release.

Is choosing 10 for the masses hard? I'm imagining it is due to the (for lack of a better term) sonic chemistry (physics?) between the guitar, pickups, preamp, amp, filters and IR.

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...soon as in sooner than nearly, but not as close as now, but it could be then, but when!?...

...when the cake is baked. you shall eat?

....To dangle the carrot requires the horse..

Ok i'll stop now.

"soon" almost very

Lol, I dig your humor. Very much looking forward to this!!

MMMmmmm caaaaake
The pack is nearly ready. I have processed the data and the files are ready. Andy has given us permission to release 10 IRs free to the public. So we will be auditioning them over the next few days and will decide which 10 to release.

VERY generous of you Andy and FAS, Thank you!! Can't wait for the release!

I thought I'd start a new thread as the last one was in various topics. - Im proud to announce that the work has finally finished with the UltraRes cab capturing (try saying that after a few drinks), although we are confident that you will enjoy this set, and feel free to ask as many questions as you wish (apart from the price).

Right on with the info...apparently pictures are more powerful so here goes!.

Too bad there's no EVM-12L or SRO IRs in there.
Oh well.
Sorry if I'm being stupid but what speakers are CV30's, custom vintage 30's? They're listed next to the Orange 4x12.
Sorry if I'm being stupid but what speakers are CV30's, custom vintage 30's? They're listed next to the Orange 4x12.

Not stupid at all, but you are correct, Orange modify the V30 to there own voicing..its basically a bit brighter than a stock V30.
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