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The only thing better than an Axe-FX...


...is a pair of them. :) I'm very happy to have reduced a 12 space and 6 space rack down to a 3 space and 4 space. Simple is nice.

BTW, if anyone is looking an expensive and durable shallow rack for the Axe-FX, I bought the one on the bottom about 3 yrs. ago on eBay for about $75 including shipping. Even though I haven't used it in a few years, I'm glad I didn't get rid of it. Oh, and please the Ultra on top - I was waiting for it to take a dump so I figured I'd entertain myself and take a pic.

You're a lucky man. Do you use both at the same time? If so how do you string them together? Having them in two separate cases with a furman each seems like a waste and a lot of extra bulk and space. Why don't you keep them together in one 6 space?
They're separate rigs. One rig is for recording and carting around. The other rig is for the TV room. I like to play and watch TV. They're also all I have, amp-wise, so I really wanted 2 of them in case one of them ever goes down for some reason. I'm a firm proponent of having a back-up.

I'm only lucky in the sense that I had accumulated enough gear over the years to sell and cover the cost of them. ;)

I had them together to try and update the firmware on the top one (7.15) and backup its presets to my PC.
Heh, that's funny that you refer to it as nice because that's the name of the company I bought it from, Nice Racks.

For the money, it's good and looks better in the TV room than anything else I could find. They're available in a wide array of colors (stains) to match any decor which always goes well with the little lady. ;)
I got mine from Nice-racks as well. Great price, great product. Mine doesn't move around a ton so I wasn't worried about covers, etc.

Nice setup
PlaysARobin said:
I got mine from Nice-racks as well. Great price, great product. Mine doesn't move around a ton so I wasn't worried about covers, etc.
I concur and I bought the rack with the intent of never taking it out of the house. The longest trip it will make is from downstairs to upstairs.
How long ago did you guys get your Nice-Racks stuff...I've been calling and emailing with no response...I wanted to inquire about some custom work...no response...do you know if they're still in business?
I had a few emails back and fourth with them in January when I ordered mine. Showed up after about 4-5 days once I placed the order. Never had any communication issues myself.
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