The mini rage thread

hahah this thread is hilariously a great idea. Like a rage room you can rent for an hour and just break shit. Cathartic.
I can't take credit - I stole it from another forum. They had the mini rage thread, the off topic mini rage thread, and the mini joys thread. I thought it was brilliant when I first saw it.
next thing will be a Purge thread. 1X a year where you can...tell off another forum member. oh wait that happens already. Although its' a pretty civil forum here for the most part. We good behavior :tearsofjoy: my post here is a total joke of course. I'd never suggest such a thing. merry xmas;)
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When you get stabbed in the back from the storm door as it closes hard behind you
My corner of my storm door often will whack unsuspecting visitors, including myself, on the heel of your sneaker or shoe, sometime causing a nasty scrape or wound. Both my elderly Mom and I can attest to my boobytrapped back door.

Some folks put a sign on their door that says, "Beware: Guard Dog." I think my back door needs a sign that says "Never Mind the Guard Cat. Watch Your Step!"
If you haven't seen the movie Heat, spoilers ahead, stop reading now. And go watch it, it's amazing.

This isn't a rage, per se, but it annoys me.

I just watched Heat again, a couple of nights ago. As a movie, it holds up really well - I'm still on the edge of my seat during the shooting after the bank robbery.

But the scene where Al Pacino kicks Henry Rollins' ass...that goes beyond my ability to engage in suspended disbelief.
I'd guess my mini rage (my most prevalent one) is when someone (a forum member or guest) peruses the forum and "borrows" comments that show up elsewhere...typically not other forums, but strangely enough, on OTA TV.

Just enough theme coincidence to keep you interested, just enough paranoia to be bothersome.

It's been happening for many years now, and recently resurfaced again. Apparently, it's that "Larry" (not Carlton) guy again.
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1 When transport trucks block the passing lane so they can go the width of one human hair per hour faster than the truck they're "passing".
100% this. I just drove 10 hours yesterday from Dallas to Auburn, AL. And I gotta tell you it drives me nuts. The only thing that worse is anyone driving in the left lane on a highway when they should be in the right lane. Left lane is for passing. Full stop.
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