The MFC-101 MIDI Foot Controller

Sold out in 59 minutes. Guess there's a bit of pent-up demand.

Which is why I asked a few days ago if this shipment was to process the waiting list or was to go in the online store. So now guys on the waiting who were thinking/hoping they would finally get taken care of are now out of luck again.
I'm hoping there's more soon...tough playing live without it. I'm trying to get by with expression pedals alone until I can purchase this unit.
I think it's safe to say that the "waiting"/discount list will not get a dedicated shipment. Why would they when the ones that they put up through the online store for $100 more sell out like hotcakes?
DC23 - I think your "spot on" for the foreseeable future. I also think FAS will eventually get to the "discount" list. I use my Ultra in a live setting and a foot controller is mandatory. Not having one makes it very difficult. I'm willing to pay the extra $100.
I think it's safe to say that the "waiting"/discount list will not get a dedicated shipment. Why would they when the ones that they put up through the online store for $100 more sell out like hotcakes?

You may be right, but wouldn't it be fair if Fractal could at least tell us that rather than keep us guessing. When you're on the waiting list and read a shipment is coming in later in the week you wait for that email. By the time you figure out what is going on the shipment is already sold out. The other option is to check the online store every 5 minutes and buy one, taking a chance that your discount coupon will immediately follow and you could have saved $100. Why is it so hard for Fractal to be clear about this whole mess?
also ordered! can't wait on the list any more, especially if i only joined this past oct or so? geez...i'll be dead before i get a discount :p

anyway, very excited to actually be able to stomp stuff instead of knob twisting...that's what SHE said.
The flood gates of heaven, I mean FAS, for the MFC-101 was open ever so slightly...

They will continue to open, ever so slightly, untill all (or most all) will be satisified...
Got mine! I was getting a little worried when Cliff said "sold out in 59 minutes"! I was thinking just my luck...checking every day for the last two weeks and I missed the one hour window of opportunity. Glad that was NOT the case!
So... what I've been waiting on my toes for months is over in mere 59 minutes...?
I had no chance, since I live in a quite different time zone than the US...
I sincerely hope FAS takes pre-orders for the next batch to take into account for manufacturing; the supply is just too short of demand...
jigod...i expect more will be available tomorrow at the same time - look at the time of the posts and make sure you are online around then. Thats just my guess but it worked for me.

I imagine FA are putting a number up each day so that they can box and ship them in stages. I guess its a good way of handling the demand.
jigod...i expect more will be available tomorrow at the same time - look at the time of the posts and make sure you are online around then. Thats just my guess but it worked for me.

I imagine FA are putting a number up each day so that they can box and ship them in stages. I guess its a good way of handling the demand.

Hey, thanks for the tip. That means I have to be up until midnight over here...
I hope you're right!
I think it's safe to say that the "waiting"/discount list will not get a dedicated shipment. Why would they when the ones that they put up through the online store for $100 more sell out like hotcakes?
I stated this earlier.. and it is COMMON knowledge guys.. THERE IS NO WAITING LIST for the MFC!! The only "list" is to get a $100 discount coupon, and folks who got on that in 2008 are still waiting to get theirs. If the first "batch" was anything to go by, the current shipment of MFC's will be available thru the online store, released 5+ or so per day. First come, first served.

IF you have a coupon, FAS will redeem that with your purchase. Other than that.. sit on the purchase page and hit enter until one shows in your cart.. and you'd better have your credit card info ready... or you may not be fast enough to get one.
I have to agree with dirtypurple and s0c9. FAS is making available on the web site a certain number of MFC-101's that can be process in a day - I have no idea how many that is. I think FAS has hundreds (if not a thousand) of MFC-101's and we'll all get one - some sooner than others - it's just going to take a bit of time to process everyone.

For me, the first time an MFC-101 became available (but lost it due to credit card fumble) was different than the second time MFC-101 became available - by several hours. I was in a position to do the endless loop of "add to cart, MFC-101 not available, keep shopping". I had a bit of help in terms of a tip from a kind Forum member too...

I think s0c9 is also correct that there is no list that "will be processed by FAS". If you want a MFC-101 you will have to go to the on-line store a get one.
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