The Grand Unified Theory Of Fretboard Organization

I've been waiting for this, Benji! Your system really glues it all together when it comes to knowing the neck. I'm still working on teaching my hands to know this.

Great work, and thank you!
I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more traction. I've been following this since your first video. It takes some time to transition from learning your system to applying it, but that's true of anything with such a large scope. It's already made a difference in my playing, and my hands are still learning your fundamentals.
I've received reports that the PDF was not opening properly in various browsers, so I replaced it with an updated one! It also contains bookmarked chapters and a few corrected mistakes... Thx!
First time I've seen these videos - these are fantastic for an intermediate player like me trying to wrap my head around things!

The link to the PDF does not work on this end though :(
I've received reports that the PDF was not opening properly in various browsers, so I replaced it with an updated one! It also contains bookmarked chapters and a few corrected mistakes... Thx!
The link now prompts you to open a "OneDrive" account to get the file. When you do, there's nothing there ????
Thank you for taking the time to do this! After faking it for several decades, I'm going to see if this old dog can actually learn what I'm supposed to be doing.
thanks so much for all the encouraging words! This has been sitting in a drawer for about 20 years and it has helped me, so I figured it might maybe help others as well... Cheers !
Thank you for taking the time to do this! After faking it for several decades, I'm going to see if this old dog can actually learn what I'm supposed to be doing.
Dig in, Old Dog! It'll take some time to transform this from an exercise into a change in your playing, but it's already opened up my lead work, and I'm a long way from mastering this.
Great videoseries Benji, thanks!
Immediately I played new, interesting phrasings when I used your system while jamming on a backing track.
Not the "old same box-phrasing" :)

Very curious for the next. I suppose you will also address minor scales with this system?
Edit: I just read the pdf and see it will be later. Great system!
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Hahaha, this is FANTASTIC! I independently figured out the same exact pattern (many years after you), but I had a different reaction, in that I gave up the regular tuning and went to all 4ths. :)

kgk! How cool is this!!! At one point I also really contemplated to change the tuning, but, as I said in one of the videos, I felt I was getting away too far from the "soul" of the guitar... not that there's anything wrong with your tuning, of course:cool:!
It's just that I really enjoy my cowboy chords and open strings, but above all changing the tuning would have put me on a pretty isolated island with respect to other players and communication about music. And I'm on a pretty isolated island in reality already, so I thought it might be too much...;)
Also, sticking with standard tuning really helps if you want to teach guitar...

I'm really humbled and overwhelmed with everybody's reaction and appreciation by the way, really nice of you guys!:hearteyes:

Maybe I WILL add some more videos at one point, we'll see. First I'll need to get through soon-to-be Tropical Storm Matthew...:eek:
Thanks and all the best,

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Hi Islandmusic,

seems to be a great content, but can't connect to the drive ... another way to download ?
thanks a lot.
Great ! thanks a lot for the link Rex, really appreciate.
Wow just have a very quick look, nice content indeed...
will have dive in and send you some feedback.
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