The EUs AFX2s are HERE! Cliff! Everyone!

Btw: Cliff, I know you have been under some serious pressure lately (and I hope your health is better now btw). Please remember that internet forums seem bring out the worst in people. Some people just can't behave when they don't see the person they are talking to/about. Please don't let it get to you. :)

Personally, I just can't thank you enough for what you have done. I have never been satisfied with anything else than high quality analog gear, but the Ultra changed this and revolutionized my way of using gear. Now I'm just one of your loyal fans willing to spend whatever it takes to get the next generation and to enjoy the ride!

Thank you, Cliff.
I tracked it all the way from Germany to UK. It sure took an interesting route ! Am just north of London in Hertfordshire. For those of you who ordered AXE II's + MFC's, it'll give you a chuckle when it arrives - it was the biggest box I've ever seen. For a moment I thought they'd mailed me the Indiana Jones boulder by mistake. Well packages, fired up right away. No freezing, no problems and hoping you all have a blast with yours when they arrive !
I'm thinking that boulder has to be worth some $. You could have sold it and bought a few II's. :)
Additionally I'd like to add after all the negative press on the fan noise, I pushed the ON button expecting the sound of a hoover on steroids. It simply isnt the case. Both my pc's are infinitely louder and with headphones on ( and without and just a few feet away ) you wouldnt notice it unless you're used to complete silence ( living in the city am used to much louder noises ! ). So another thing to chalk off. And as soon as you hit your first notes, you'll be obvlious to it.
FWIW, 20% of the units we have received have been shipped to EU. 60% have been allocated to US. The remaining 20% are being shipped to Japan, Australia, Russia, etc. Historically we have sold roughly three times as many units domestically as in EU therefore we have allocated the units accordingly.

I know it's fashionable to think there is some sort of conspiracy and insult me and make disparaging comments at every opportunity but I don't believe I deserve the treatment I'm getting.

dear cliff,

please let us know if there is something we can do to support you. maybe organize some email protest action against the parts suppliers that let you down? or maybe you wanna leave the stress for a week, come over to munich and get severely drunk with us at the octoberfest (starting next week)? you are invited! :) i have a spare lederhosn that i can lend you! :) or maybe i could bring some weisswuerste to new hampshire? i'll be in boston in a couple of weeks!

don't be annoyed by posts in the forum! i am shure, 99 % of the guys, even the most critical ones, do not want to disparage you or insult you. it's just the frustration because we all want your product so badly. as many posts have already said: your products are very high quality and a great personal achievement by you that you deserve respect for! and everybody appreciates your efforts and the efforts of your team. in the end, everything will be good!

:) nice greetings
Cliff - now there is an offer you CAN NOT refuse ....... Lederhosen.

Oh and I am sure the Octoberfest would be pretty cool..... maybe not as cool as the lederhosen though.
It's not a witch-hunt, and with all due respect to Cliff, the hard work he's putting in and the amazing product he's delivered, the reality that the G66 waiting list is still backlogged to 2010 and the fact it was the last list to be served after the FAS store was stocked, their waiting list and TM waiting list going out in equal measures it's still fair to say the EU supply does have a problem. This combined with the misinformation or no information at all is and always has been the catalyst for valid questions. When those questions go unanswered for very long periods of time it can only lead to frustration. We can only act on the information we were given and again all things being equal as customers - no divisions between country, if every FAS customer had the same experience myself and many others have had if you're told 4-6 weeks and the reality it 10 months then that is an area of your company which you're going to need to look into. If we'd been told the truth ( shortage of parts, no chance it'll be 4-6 weeks before we can get a unit ) then it would be a whole different story and a completely different scenario. If every customer is told 4-6 weeks and is told to wait and wait with no reason posted, valid questions unanswered while seeing people who didnt wait getting theirs, how else should that customer be expected to feel ? Now the issue has been addressed and there's a genuine reason, again myself included, thankyou - this is all we need ( and needed ) to hear ! And it's absolutely worth waiting for and it's worth the price 10x over but people should just be given a more accurate timeframe in the future. I wouldnt mind waiting 10 months for another one of these, as long as I was told it COULD take up to 10months ;) So many thanks. Great product indeed. So nice to have a unit that has killer sounding presets right out of the box. I'll write a review of it soon once I've given it a good go !
for some strange reason, the octoberfest is way more enjoyable in lederhosn than without. it's kind of a 'must have' disguise (just as the dirndls for the girls). but it's got to be the REAL bavarian stuff. :) please stay away from cheap imitations! a real lederhosn is the only piece of equipment that will improve with all the beer and roasted chicken fat stains that it is exposed to. and believe me: exposure is severe there!! :)
and most certainly: after two or three 'mass' of beer every bit of axe fx sorrow will be cleared out of your main memory and an entirely new preset will be loaded!
I've always wanted to grab some Lederhosen. My friends always go to Germany and even when I beg them to bring me some back they never do !
On the plus side they did bring back a beer glass so big you could keep fish in it !
Maybe G66 should include Lederhosen instead of a chocolate ? ;) I refuse to eat mine. I'm tempted to mount it to a board and frame it.
i think they might have a hard time getting by good lederhosn up there in flensburg. but maybe sussi and jacques also need some cheering up at the octoberfest after all the hassle with the delivery delays!?
i think they might have a hard time getting by good lederhosn up there in flensburg. but maybe sussi and jacques also need some cheering up at the octoberfest after all the hassle with the delivery delays!?

Jeez ..... which one is Sussi???
Oh .... what I meant to say originally before I got distracted by men in shorts drinking beer .....
FWIW, 20% of the units we have received have been shipped to EU. 60% have been allocated to US. The remaining 20% are being shipped to Japan, Australia, Russia, etc. Historically we have sold roughly three times as many units domestically as in EU therefore we have allocated the units accordingly.

I know it's fashionable to think there is some sort of conspiracy and insult me and make disparaging comments at every opportunity but I don't believe I deserve the treatment I'm getting.

If I've insulted you personally in any way all I can say in my defence is; Sorry, I didn't know you had to be sane to post here :?

Thanks for the info - everyone is placated and the world can turn again.

Respect to you Mr. C
I've always wanted to grab some Lederhosen. My friends always go to Germany and even when I beg them to bring me some back they never do !
On the plus side they did bring back a beer glass so big you could keep fish in it !

Well, german beer glasses go to eleven !!! :)
Again more delays for the european shipments. Just received a mail from Sussi that again they will receive a limited number of units. I ordered April fools day. Time to
look around for another product.
Again more delays for the european shipments. Just received a mail from Sussi that again they will receive a limited number of units. I ordered April fools day. Time to
look around for another product.


yes you are right, i have played dozen of gig during the last months using a lot of different tube amps, 'cause I sold my Ultra right after the countdown.
The next gigs are upcoming and I don't want to wait again 6 months and I'm tired to visit my local dealer twice the week ;-)

The last gig was very impressing. I played an Egnater Tourmaster Head and a TC Electronics Toneprint delay. The sound was so fantastic and that only having 4 channels.

So I asked myself do I really need those AXE II. And the answer is no!. The only problem is that I do have a MFC and two Atomic FR cabs here.
For a good price I would sell them immediately.

Maybe I stick with the Egnater. But I'm also interested in his modular Preamp or a JVM or a JMD or H&K or Engl....

Of course the AXE is a fantastic piece of gear.
It's not only that we don't know when the AXE is available here in Europe. What happens if there's a failure with the unit.
No chance for substitute.

Sad but true!

Maybe in 2 years
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