The EUs AFX2s are HERE! Cliff! Everyone!

Reading this thread I can only sympathise with the frustration and tension created with the lack of sustained supply to G66 but as I ordered my AF2/MFC101 with G66 on the 6th of June I'm expecting a long wait, which so far has only been hinted as September / October, I'm not over-the-moon with the wait but that's what I've bought into, so in the meantime I'm putting my time to good use.

This is what I've done :-
Sold my TC Electronics G-System Limited - check !
Sold my Line 6 Variax 700 - check !
Bought my Matrix GT800FX - check ! (and collected it personally from Andy at the Matrix factory) which just happens to be 20 miles from my home :)
Bought my Samson PB10 Pro power conditioner - check !
Bought 2 off Mesa Boogie 1x12 Thiele Cabs with EV12L's (originally ordered for a tour for "The Who" but put into storage for years)
Mounted GT800FX & Samson PB10 in my Shockmounted 4U rackmounted flight case

All ready to go :)

but on no account did I :-
Sell my current Rig - Line 6 Vetta combo w/ext cab - cause that would have been silly until the AF2 arrived
Sell my Mesa Studio Pre/ 295 Power amp setup - cause I wouldn't dream of it :)

So the wait is not frustrating me as I can still play / gig / teach, actually the wait seems to be adding to the excitement

Chill people, this is only a black box, it's not the end of the world (and better still I've not parted with any cash for the AF2 / MFC101 yet !)

Good for you. I'm glad it's roses for you. Really.

The reality is a lot of people had to sell their existing gear to afford an Axe II and did so based on the premise there would be 'plenty to go around'. I'm sick of people who have it all roses telling everyone else it's not a big deal and to chill.

Dont worry Soma, I sold all my gear in Dec, then after 4months of waiting ( stupid me, shouldnt have bought it back the day the 1st date slipped back ! ) and I'm not selling a thing until the moment my Axe II is on my desk and powered up.
The attitude some people on here have that it's easy to get that kinda cash together overnight without selling on your previous rig ( often at a huge loss ! ) and that it's your fault for not selling it all the night before your Axe II arrives is ridiculous.
If you're financially well off enough to have such a luxury than lucky you ! ;) For a lot of us realistic dates are essential so we can have a smooth transition.
They forgot something:

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Troll mode:eek:ff
Not trying to stir up trouble on this thread, just trying to keep positive about the whole EU delivery fiasco

There's an age olde Idiom "Don't put all your eggs in one basket", I've always kept a standby gigging rig, being in two gigging bands I have to. Basing your decisions to sell gear on a "Premise there would be 'Plenty to go around' is not Fractal's fault, it is called assumption and we all know what the say about the word 'assume' don't we. Especially after what I've heard happened with the AF1 launch.

I originally knew nothing about Fractal Audio or the AXE FX until June 2011 so knew nothing about the delays with the AF1 launch, as soon as I placed my order with G66 I was told there my delivery date was estimated at Sept / Oct, this hasn't changed. This is why I'm not kicking off about it.

FWIW it's not all roses, I still only have half my money from the sale of my unwanted gear for the AF2 & MFC101 the rest is going on credit :lol

Once I've received and am happy with the AF2 the Line6 is the next to go
There's an age olde Idiom "Don't put all your eggs in one basket", I've always kept a standby gigging rig, being in two gigging bands I have to. Basing your decisions to sell gear on a "Premise there would be 'Plenty to go around' is not Fractal's fault, it is called assumption and we all know what the say about the word 'assume' don't we. Especially after what I've heard happened with the AF1 launch.

You are right, in principle. I guess nobody went on and sold all amp, modeler, etc, gear they had, and left themselves with nothing to play through. OTOH, everyone (not to mention, every household) has his microeconomics to consider. People were given a possible delivery date of, say, sometime in September, so they had to take advantage of the circumstances and, e.g. sell their Ultra during August, to finance their new purchase.

Most of the people in this thread have some rig to play through indeed, but it's probably not the best possible solution for them, and, for some, it was seen as a temporary measure. Everyone has his priorities, needs and plans. If we were talking about a few weeks or even a couple of months delay, perhaps no harm would come from it. Now it seems we are talking several months and priorities, needs and plans get overthrown.

But, the major issue here, which some people try to hide under the carpet, is not so much the delay (to be honest, I'd expect unforseen delays for EVERY limited production/boutique gear), but the discrepancy between US and International deliveries. To use your own idiom: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket". It looks like (mind the emphasis) that FAS favors the US market almost completely.

I read about 3000 (?) orders from the US alone. OK, I can believe it. If this is true, then there are at least a couple hundrend from your country alone. Add other big EU markets, like Germany. Then add smaller EU markets. I already said that, in Greece alone, there are a few dozen orders at the very least. Then add the rest of the World. In very conservative terms, there may be a couple of thousand orders waiting.

I have to repeat that I know NOTHING of actual numbers and all the above is sheer SPECULATION. I sincerely believe, and hope, that FAS will come out with an official announcement on relative ordering volume (as far as marketing strategies permit) and give an answer on their commitment towards International markets.
Hi Genius Loci,

I agree with everything you are saying, but I believe if Fractal has any kind of professional integrity they would not divulge such sensitive marketing information (i.e. their US/EU/Rest of World Sales Split) on the public domain. Especially without consulting G66 (who I expected would be extremely angry if they did). If anything G66 as the designated EU distributor should be the customer interface. Fractal even though they are the brand and manufacturer essentially are only a supplier to G66.

I work in manufacturing planning (automotive sector) and working on the assumption that the USA 'may have' orders of 3000 & say the EU 'may have' 150 orders that's a production ratio of 20:1 (so for every 20 units produced one is allotted to the EU market) it would still take a few weeks to collate an EU delivery worthy of the despatch for the transport costs to become cost effective. Fractal is obviously air-freighting these units to G66 because of the despatch / delivery leadtimes. All this coupled with Fractal's component sub-supplier problems just means we are in for a long wait.
Not trying to stir up trouble on this thread, just trying to keep positive about the whole EU delivery fiascoThere's an age olde Idiom "Don't put all your eggs in one basket", I've always kept a standby gigging rig, being in two gigging bands I have to. Basing your decisions to sell gear on a "Premise there would be 'Plenty to go around' is not Fractal's fault, it is called assumption and we all know what the say about the word 'assume' don't we. Especially after what I've heard happened with the AF1 launch.I originally knew nothing about Fractal Audio or the AXE FX until June 2011 so knew nothing about the delays with the AF1 launch, as soon as I placed my order with G66 I was told there my delivery date was estimated at Sept / Oct, this hasn't changed. This is why I'm not kicking off about it.FWIW it's not all roses, I still only have half my money from the sale of my unwanted gear for the AF2 & MFC101 the rest is going on credit :lolOnce I've received and am happy with the AF2 the Line6 is the next to go
I'm not going to get into it but it was no assumption. And yes, I sold all my gear but I'm not gigging so that's cool. But does that mean I've enjoyed playing through my ME 50 for the past few months? Hell no!Cheers.
Hi Genius Loci,

I agree with everything you are saying, but I believe if Fractal has any kind of professional integrity they would not divulge such sensitive marketing information (i.e. their US/EU/Rest of World Sales Split) on the public domain. Especially without consulting G66 (who I expected would be extremely angry if they did). If anything G66 as the designated EU distributor should be the customer interface. Fractal even though they are the brand and manufacturer essentially are only a supplier to G66.

I work in manufacturing planning (automotive sector) and working on the assumption that the USA 'may have' orders of 3000 & say the EU 'may have' 150 orders that's a production ratio of 20:1 (so for every 20 units produced one is allotted to the EU market) it would still take a few weeks to collate an EU delivery worthy of the despatch for the transport costs to become cost effective. Fractal is obviously air-freighting these units to G66 because of the despatch / delivery leadtimes. All this coupled with Fractal's component sub-supplier problems just means we are in for a long wait.

Everything you say above makes sense, even if it cannot alleviate the frustration. I understand full well that we are talking about a boutique shop, as I said before. Whether we like it or not; and this leads to advantages as well as problems.

I read somewhere that Tom Anderson makes perhaps 4000 guitars a year, as opposed to Taylor that makes this number every 10 days. It's somewhat similar with FAS. They'd have to move production overseas, with everything this entails, to actually meet demand in a logical timeframe.

The only ethical problem, IMHO, is this: when you lead such a small and eclectic endeavour, you HAVE to consider customer loyalty/commitment above everything else.

Look now: you have, on one hand, a US customer, ordering two months after the famous Axe-II announcement. And you have an International customer ordering the same day the announcement was made. And the former gets his Axe, pressumably, several months earlier than the latter. This is what frustrates and allienates International customers, who, by the way, have to pay much more for their Axe, and creates the impression they are treated as second class citizens.
From Twitter:

The August Axe-Fx II shipment has just arrived - we’re starting to ship today.

Fingers crossed 2 days, then it'll be on Septemer 9th the date I took a shot in the dark at. Spooky !
Relief aside, am all about this thread. I shouldnt have had to have waited 10+ months for 2 reasons. The first being the time I was quoted which G66 could only have got from FAS themselves. The second is, as rightly pointed out people could get them long before either TM or G66 waiting list was touched. The fact if 6 units dont make it through in the next 3 months, the G66 backlog will still be in December 2010.
It's a serious issue that needs to be addressed. A waiting list is a waiting list. So far if 40+ units hit the TM list, then G66 and TM should have 20 units each respectively. I'm not going to touch the FAS store, or the FAS waiting list. I accept there's a very strong US camp and that's fine. But for the TM and G66 waiting lists, the balance is way off. TM cleared so many more Axe II units than the G66 one - 40+ units alone would clear the G66 backlog to May !! I've seen plenty of responses on the matter outright dismissing this and have been called a whiner by many users, so be it.
If you flip the tables, and make G66 the manufacturer and only 8 units have been released in the US ( which already has a backlog to Dec '10 ) and 100's are rolling right off the production line and being served to 3 other sources in large supply but the US supply is literally a tiny trickle few and far between projected dates, you could look me in the eye and tell me this wouldnt come off as a little frustrating to you ?
So as a user who has secured a unit, no gloating, no pointing and laughing. Would just love to see a more equal customer base worked on for those on all waiting lists worldwide.
The only ethical problem, IMHO, is this: when you lead such a small and eclectic endeavour, you HAVE to consider customer loyalty/commitment above everything else.

Look now: you have, on one hand, a US customer, ordering two months after the famous Axe-II announcement. And you have an International customer ordering the same day the announcement was made. And the former gets his Axe, pressumably, several months earlier than the latter. This is what frustrates and allienates International customers, who, by the way, have to pay much more for their Axe, and creates the impression they are treated as second class citizens.

There's a saying :- “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time” maybe this is Fractal's Mission Statement :D

Based on the production model I suggested earlier it's still possible someone who ordered later in the US could take delivery before someone in the EU who's been waiting months. It's not good for EU customer relations but "see above comment"

I live in Wales (which a lot of people think is part of England) so the Welsh are used to being thought of as 2nd class citizens, it happens in our own United Kingdom so why should I be surprised that Fractal's US customers get more priority than me :roll
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