Thanks for the Sizzle



In contrary to all those "dafuq, what's wrong with that fizzy high end"-threads I just wanted to say a thank you for adding the "sizzle". I always missed that in my axe-fx sounds (not kidding). Sounds just much better now, more amp-like :)
It cuts much better in the mix now and just sounds like an mic'ed amp!

Seriously, what is "fizz"? I see that word a lot and don't know what the heck everyone is talking about? Is it like "sizzle" one might get from a pushed tube amp? Fizz sounds like a very flat descriptive term, like my soda pop and it's lack of sizzle and bite compared to a good IPA that punches me in the face. Not everyone like hops but good lord do they help cut through the mix of bland brands.
Dunno how to describe it... it something in the top end of the mic'ed amp. I learned the word "fizz" for that here :D
Hey mDaniel i read somewhere that you had a line 6 shortboard converter for the axe-fx can you help me with that? still got my pod xt (fizz creator) :) laying around but the shortboard was really tough and well built ...thank you
Seriously, what is "fizz"? I see that word a lot and don't know what the heck everyone is talking about? Is it like "sizzle" one might get from a pushed tube amp? Fizz sounds like a very flat descriptive term, like my soda pop and it's lack of sizzle and bite compared to a good IPA that punches me in the face. Not everyone like hops but good lord do they help cut through the mix of bland brands.

Yes, he means the sizzle you get from a pushed amp. That was one of the things that we worked on in V10.
Seriously, what is "fizz"? I see that word a lot and don't know what the heck everyone is talking about?

"Fizz" has a negative connotation around here. I've heard it described as sounding like "Henry Winkler covered in bees!" (Little Nicky reference). Plug your guitar into an MXR Distortion+ then take the output of that and plug it into the Aux input of your stereo. That's "Fizz". It's annoying, buzzy, and itchy.

"Sizzle" OTOH is desirable. It's the way your steak sounds coming from Ruth's Chris kitchen. Turn it up to gig volume and it tickles the ear perfectly and sits in the mix just right. It's what real tube amps do and we like them for that.
Seriously, what is "fizz"? I see that word a lot and don't know what the heck everyone is talking about? Is it like "sizzle" one might get from a pushed tube amp? Fizz sounds like a very flat descriptive term, like my soda pop and it's lack of sizzle and bite compared to a good IPA that punches me in the face. Not everyone like hops but good lord do they help cut through the mix of bland brands.

You sure it's "tone" that you're addicted to? ;)
The only thing better than bacon is twice the amount of bacon :)

... peameal back bacon at that! Regardless... thanks for the bacon and the sizzle it brings!

HEY!!... NEW SMILEYS!!! :frog: COOL!!
Hahahahaha Sprint, I literally just LOL'd at that, genius!

All we need is the cans having amp names on them instead of flavours.

Can of AC30 fizz? Coming right up sir.
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