Termination panel guidance


I'm about the pull the trigger on a single-space, eight-hole panel from Vafam based on the advice of this forum. Since I've had my Axe II for only four days, I am seeking advice about how I should spec this out.

I'd love to hear how any other users have done theirs. Mine will almost always be used for direct-to-FOH (silent stage). MFC is ordered, using an HD500 until then, so I do plan to have a MIDI jack on the front. And a USB just to make my life at home easier. I'll use the Instr jack on the front for guitar, assuming the dual inputs on the back are for other things (from what I think I understand in the manual).

My Vafam quote was higher than I expected from my initial specs, as I thought it would be under $100, not almost $200. Any other sources you would recommend I look at?

Thanks for any sage (or not so sage) advice.

Mine was $149 shipped if I remember correctly, from Vafam. Quality was good, shipping was fast, and the customer service stellar. I'm sure there are other vendors, but I've no personal experience there.

I just moved the connectors I use: Out 1 L&R, Out 2 L&R, CAT5, USB, MIDI In, MIDI Out/Through. It's worked for me.

A note on cable length. I specified 18" as it seemed a reasonable length for a 14.25" deep unit. That is so if you put the connectors on the same physical side as they will plug up. In other words, if you put Out 1 on the far left of the panel (as I did) and, as it turns out looking from the front, the connectors are on the far right, it won't make it. I had to disassemble my panel and move connectors, which worked fine. But either put the connectors on the side of the panel where they will be connected, or order a 24" length. I think they have a 12 connector panel that can move more and stay in 1U, or go to 2U and you will have more space to label or whatever.

This has greatly simplified my hookup, and totally eliminated the groping in the dark looking for connections in the back of the rack. There have been threads where people have trashed their CAT5 connection accidentally plugging a USB cable into it. That alone will cost twice the Vafam price to make right. To each his/her own, but it is money well spent to me if only for the reduction in connection aggravation. Kudos to ccroyalsenders for posting about it and turning several Axe users on to the option.
Thanks Rick. Hans at Vafam suggested 24-inch leads, so that makes sense. With a bit extra, I can re-plug a 1/4-inch line at need.

Your outs are 1/4-inch?

I am having AC power moved to the front as well and requested power cords in two lengths, hence there is a bit of extra cost there. He sent an itemized list - I didn't look it over closely. I don't really care that much about the money, was just expecting it was less for some reason.

Hans has been almost instantly responsive thus far, so I'm not concerned about service quality.

Thanks Rick. Hans at Vafam suggested 24-inch leads, so that makes sense. With a bit extra, I can re-plug a 1/4-inch line at need.

Your outs are 1/4-inch?

I am having AC power moved to the front as well and requested power cords in two lengths, hence there is a bit of extra cost there. He sent an itemized list - I didn't look it over closely. I don't really care that much about the money, was just expecting it was less for some reason.

Hans has been almost instantly responsive thus far, so I'm not concerned about service quality.

Hans is great, you'll enjoy working with him. He'll also send a link to photos of your custom rig, once built. A nice touch.

I use both outs, the XLR for Out 1 go to the FOH PA and the 1/4" from Out 2 go to my stage amplification so I can adjust my stage volume without messing with the house send (and hence the send to the other guys in ear monitors). I actually only use one of each (left) but wanted both there in case I ever wanted to send in stereo or to more destinations. I am totally sold on it. I am considering a panel for my mains power rack as well, it's just such a clean and easy solution.

I thought about adding Powercon for power, but decided to pass on it as I have a power conditioner in my rack and the Axe II is directly connected there with a short power cord.
Two reasons - I don't have the MFC yet, so I'm using my old HD500. And I thought down the road I might grab a basic controller for home use or whenever I don't want to take the MFC. I do a few quick sit-in gigs now and then when I only need one or two sounds.
I don't use them often, but the midi connectors are occasionally handy for other midi control sources, and also helps when using the Axe Fx as an interface to update the MFC-101 without needing another midi interface. Under normal operation, I use the CAT5 connection for the MFC. It's on my front panel as well.
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Thanks everyone. I have placed the order with one modification from my original request. My first Axe II gig is in 13 days, so it should arrive prior to that.

I placed my order yesterday, and this morning Hans sent me a picture of the panel progress. He is totally customer-oriented!

very nice! Btw.. for those of you who have 1/4" outs for output 2.. Do you guys use TRS cables to TS jacks for humbuster? Would it work that way? I use output 2 for stage volume.. have it plugged into an amp. wondering if the humbuster would benefit me or not..
I made sure to have everything routing as if I was actually plugging into the AXEII,so the panel 1/4" is TRS just like the Humbuster outputs.I double checked with Fractal on this too.
I did one myself. Now I know that you are not supposed to cross Audio with Power. I felt like i had to try. So I bought some parts from Best Tronics and I took apart my furman power conditioner. Here is the result. The picture doesn't look great on purpose, I was in a dark room. What helped me create the holes was a greenlee 15/16 hole punch, it worked great. I plan on making a few more, it kind of feeds my nerdy tear things apart part of my life. I'm only using the xlr for front of house the other two are to bring my Line 6 g90 up front. One goes to the axe input, and the other goes to the tuner out on the G90. I have to use a second tuner, because my rack sits on the ground and my monitor is on top and from that angle I can't see the axes tuner, and I have never relied on the mfc, because in the past it was extremely slow.

I ordered mine right after you did, haven't heard anything back from him yet. I hope that's not a bad sign. He had told me on the phone that it would probably ship today or tomorrow, well ahead of his 6-day estimate on the website. Anyway, yours looks great, can't wait to get mine.
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