Technical instrumental (MF, Axefx, Sturgis samples)

Come on, have a quick listen, this won't take long ^^
I uploaded the patches by the way, in the patch exchange section.
Haha ... this quiete reminds me on my posts ;) ... but i am not selfresponsing that often ...

hey ...


... thats not to be nice thats cause i also like the entrosolet/bleeding skies stuff ... do not give up to still post here

but let the people participate more ... what else than "wow good stuff" or "another djent solo project" should they write about it ;))

it s the same if i post songs ... no one answers for a whole bunch of time and i am self bumping my threads ... hehe ;)

Your over all sound is realy great clear and tight

ah ... and i also checked out your patches ... thanks for it ... fas modern sounds great and as i play an ibi 1527/aftermath too ;)
it sounds quiete like your recordings ;))


Greatz M
monsterhulk: ahah sorry about bumping my own threads x) I just like getting feedback, even just a "I liked it" or "I didn't like it" is alright to me :p I'm always looking for improvement in my mixs, so I'm still wondering if anybody can hear something that I couldn't, and knows more than me about how to fix that. Anyway, thanks for the kind words, don't worry I won't stop posting my work around here ^^

ramrod121: ahah thanks a lot! Check out the preset exchange section, I posted two of my patches there!

Toadfish: thanks man!! :) Like for ramrod, if you're interested you can check out the preset exchange section to get my tones!
Heres the thing -.- i dont have a midi interface as of yet so i cant load patches onto my axefx can you step by step it? im sorry for being a putz haha
ramrod121: ahah well there's nothing too fancy about it, really.
CPR: threshold at -18, ratio 1.50, rest is factory preset I guess
DRV: T808 MOD, Drive at 0, Tone at 9.50, Level at 9 and Mix at 100.
Low cut around 700Hz, High cut 800Hz, Clip Type SI Diode
Mix is Bass at 0, Mids at 10, Mid Freq around 1400Hz, and Treble at 2. Rest is factory preset.
AMP: FAS Modern, Drive at 4 (you can even get it lower), Bass at 5, Mid at 5.55, and Treble (Bright activated) at 6. Rest is factory preset.
CAB: Mono, 4x12 Metal, 87A Condenser Mic, no air/drive.
VOL: Factory preset
PEQ: Depends on the sound you wanna get, here's where the tweaking begins. I used to boost the high mids, but it's up to you to find what you want to cut/boost.
Fusion: thanks! Well I spent quite a lot of time on this one, as I haven't played it for around 2 months or so, so I had to learn back some parts ahah.
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