Tape echo does not behave like a real one

It appears from his signature that he is from Spain?...intent in text does not always translate well from other languages.

No I'm from Puerto Rico. I speak English well but my grammar is not as good as my Spanish grammar. So please ignore my grammar!
Actually, doh.

My thinking was TOTALLY wrong.
Stacking them in series doesn't buy you any more total range on motor speed.

[4*(100 ms)] * 50% = 200 ms
[4*(100 ms)] * 100% = 400 ms
[4*(100 ms)] * 200% = 800 ms

[1*(400 ms)] * 50% = 200 ms
[1*(400 ms)] * 100% = 400 ms
[1*(400 ms)] * 200% = 800 ms

So uhh... the maximum motor speed range is 50% - 200%, no matter how you slice it.

I've been working I studios for a long time and I worked with many delays units and I spent hours trying to duplicate the echoplex. I've gotten very close but the Axe Fx 2 sometime freaks out when I try to increase or decrease the delay quickly.
I appreciate your help, but I don't appreciate you insulting my intelligence with statements like that! I was just wondering why would it take 4 delays to do what I'm looking for, when it can be done with a over 40 year old technology! But I so appreciate your help. Thanks
I wasn't [intending to] insult your intelligence... since I read the rest of this thread I realized that I (like some of your typing) didn't come across as intended in print..
It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.. as in humorous, funny. I'm well aware of what an Echoplex and Memory Man are/were.. owned an original Deluxe (along with an Electric Mistress] back when they first came out ('76?).
I wasn't [intending to] insult your intelligence... since I read the rest of this thread I realized that I (like some of your typing) didn't come across as intended in print..
It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.. as in humorous, funny. I'm well aware of what an Echoplex and Memory Man are/were.. owned an original Deluxe (along with an Electric Mistress] back when they first came out ('76?).

I know and no worries! I was cooking for my kids and my little 7 year old daughter was acting like a spoiled little princess and I should've waited until i was finished until I was finished with them. I sometimes have a difficult time knowing if someone is being serious or actually joking! I want to thank you for taking the time to help me out!
it can be done with one delay. probably doesn't sound as good as matt's (i haven't tried it), but i think the main shortcoming with using one delay is the range available from the motor speed parameter may not be quite as wide as the real thing. modulating delay time doesn't work, as you've discovered.

here's a one delay version. see if you're happier with this...external 1 is controlling the hyperspace effect, which i have linked to an external expression pedal
Both of them get pretty darn close to making fun spaceship noises which I use from time to time. Thank you both for sharing.
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