Super portable “FRFR” thoughts?

I hated the Headrush 108. Definitely subjective, but I couldn't return that thing fast enough.

In the other end of the FRFR spectrum for me is the Fender FR12. It's lighter than the PXM and I actually like it better for guitar. And it's cheaper. It's not smaller through.

OP, have you looked into the Fender FR-10 at all?
Are you still digging the FR12? I'm thinking of grabbing one.
Would you trust this to create presets for live FOH gigs?

I had company this weekend so I didn’t get a lot of time with it. It does sound good and I cranked it to see what it could do. To closer match it to my F12-X200 cab and just needed to drop the bass a little. It sounds very amp like. I think that’s because of the light weight construction. Jury is still out on preset building but I’ll know better by Friday.
I had company this weekend so I didn’t get a lot of time with it. It does sound good and I cranked it to see what it could do. To closer match it to my F12-X200 cab and just needed to drop the bass a little. It sounds very amp like. I think that’s because of the light weight construction. Jury is still out on preset building but I’ll know better by Friday.
Keep me posted.
Keep me posted.

Still haven’t tried making presets with it. I did run it through several presets made on my phones and used the tone controls to get it where I liked it. If you know where flat is I don’t see a reason you couldn’t use it for adjusting presets. Tonight I tried it at low volume around 70db. Dialed it in and wow man. My other rig doesn’t have eq unless I use the global out which I don’t touch. This little box is a baddass. Anyone who’s thinking a 10” won’t get it, you are mistaken. I was skeptical but not anymore.
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