Suhr Pete Thorn IR Amp

That's a very cool design, and I like how Pete thinks and realizes that the days of the loud cranked amplifier on stage are over. The first thing that does come to mind for me at least is it stereo? When I was still analog I ran a stereo rig, which meant I needed two amps, or cabs. There were so many awesome solutions, like the two notes torpedo. But the damn thing was only mono. Which meant I would need two. And I couldn't even afford one. So, does it do stereo is the first thing I look for in a new amp/amp or cab simulator.

As for the playing in the beginning, Pete and the guitar lady are both awesome players, and they obviously had lots of fun, but to me it blends into one giant solo that's in no way different then what people like Joe Satriani and Steve Vai already did in the 80's.
It's look's very cool! I like the idea allot. And it sounds great in the video

But on the other hand, I own a Axe Fx III

And that's not meant as a dis on the PT-15
This is the world's first tube amp with an inbuilt reactive load and IR support. Pete Thorn's new signature amp. Check it out:

I think it'll be a game changer for the hold outs who won't consider amp modeling. It certainly sounded great, but I'll take the versatility and the smaller footprint of the Fractal unit any day. I believe that tone we heard can be dialed in on a Fractal but the tones in the Fractal can't be dialed in on the Suhr. Go back one year, before I purchased my AX8, and I'd be all over this amp. Cranked Tube amp at room level and ability to go direct. The SM57 and 421 mic's may become collector's
Revv and Two Notes have a similar product that just got announced. This will be the hot trend for the next few years IMO.

Dave Friedman hinted at something when I saw him at a seminar last year.
Certainly makes sense considering the success of modelling gear
I might sound like a douche but personally I feel like reactive loads are not quite there yet where they 100% perfectly do what real cabs do. Granted I haven't tried all of them. This just makes me feel like this amp "might" become obsolete after reactive loads get technical advancements.

Obviously I'm personally very happy that IR's are so widely appreciated in this industry where only a handful of people really know how create 100% authentic IR's. :)
I got mildly excited when I saw this announced but haven't bought a tube amp in years. $2,700 + $1,000 for the cab :eek: - no thanks
I got mildly excited when I saw this announced but haven't bought a tube amp in years. $2,700 + $1,000 for the cab :eek: - no thanks
Wow it's that expensive? Well I guess with all the features that's about right. I thought that it's more like a more expensive 15W amp.
I might sound like a douche but personally I feel like reactive loads are not quite there yet where they 100% perfectly do what real cabs do. Granted I haven't tried all of them. This just makes me feel like this amp "might" become obsolete after reactive loads get technical advancements.
How many reactive load products have you tried?
How many reactive load products have you tried?
Like I said in my post, I haven't tried all of them. After our recent conversation where I was very unhappy with the Two Notes stuff I got recommended to try their Reload but I wasn't really interested after the Captor almost fried my Dual Rectifier (maybe I hold a grudge) but I did manage to try an OX Box and I wasn't really happy with the quick test results I got either. After that "a buddy" told me it's got to be the Suhr since everything they do is "perfect" so I asked said buddy to do the test for me and the results were different this time but still not at the level where I would replace real cabinets since I'm still always getting "the same load" from that box. Haven't tried the Fractal loadbox yet if that's what you're asking.

DISCLAIMER: Bare in mind that I do have a separate live room at my studio where I can have loud cabinets blasting 24/7 so I'm not that desperate to get things quiet. After all I have the Axe-Fx III for when I need tube amp sounds at a low volume. Did another Mark V vs Axe-Fx III comparison this week and I was able to nail every single channel on that amp by only tweaking the amp block. The IIC++ amp sim is almost identical to my Mark V.

The point I made about something becoming potentially obsolete was purely based on looking at NAMM news and the new Boss Waza Tube Amp Expander:
A key feature is the Resonance-Z and Presence-Z panel controls, which optimize the all-important impedance interaction with your amp’s output transformer.
I think I saw a video where they tweaked it and it looked a lot like the Fractal amp model's speaker page. This really got me interested but that price tag seems... well it's in line with the features I guess. I'm not at all sure if it does what they say it does but they have separate impedance settings that emulate f.ex. a 4x12 with V30s and another one for Greenbacks etc. This just makes me think that in the near future there most likely will be a new wave of innovative ideas like this especially since it looks like every manufacturer released something that had to do with this area of guitar technology.

Case example: When plasma TVs came out and "everyone hyped them" my dad went and bought the biggest one they had to offer. You could've bought a proper car with that money. Now a $200 led TV has better image quality. But sure that was like 15 years ago.
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