Suhr IR Load & FM3 IR Load Comparison

Anand Mahangoe

Power User
Hey Gentz !
I was experimenting a bit with these 2 devices how well they load here is a short video , all info is in it.
Let me know if you prefer one above the other and why ;)

Thanks for watching !

Not listening with greatest headphones. They are close, but I thought I heard more harmonic complexity in the lower mids and probably all around on the FM3. The Suhr seemed a bit thinner. I probably should have another go with better headphones or listening environment.
Not listening with greatest headphones. They are close, but I thought I heard more harmonic complexity in the lower mids and probably all around on the FM3. The Suhr seemed a bit thinner. I probably should have another go with better headphones or listening environment.
Thanks a lot man and I did reply on the youtube channel of course ;)
The FM3 clips sound richer and fuller to me. Perhaps some of that is due to the IR lengths between the two - I didn't know that the Suhr IR length was only 20ms.
I think that can be the only reason that the FM3 sounds fuller / richer…… unfortunatly most of the IR loading devices are quite short…. The Amp Central of Red Seven has the same short length…. I think Two Notes has an IR loader which can be 200ms or the Strymon….. but why bother if we have 500ms….. IF that matters to anyone ;)
I hear quite a bit more (too much) bass in the FM3 or maybe that's what they're supposed to sound and the Suhr cuts a lot of bass, I don't know...
The bit more Bass is Due to the 500ms IR length….those IRs contain much more details especially noticeable in the low end which gets cut with 20.5ms length…….. and perhaps we don’t even need those extra low end because often we use lowcuts in our Cab block and with theses 20.5ms length it is not necessary anymore….:)
Okay, I thought it wouldn‘t be true that the FM3's Cab Block sounds darker than other loaders/devices when not using the High & Low Cuts (both in standard setting 20 Hz / 20 kHz) or any of the other features of the Block. But I wanted to test it nevertheless and the results really surprised me.

I loaded the same IR (57+121 from the OwnHammer 412 EDVH Essentials Pack) into the FM3's Cab Block and into my DAW using SIR3 (all additional processing of the plug-in disabled). I put Pink Noise through the FM3 and recorded two channels - one with the FM3's Cab Block and another with SIR3. I put FabFilter ProQ3 on both channels and did an EQ Match. The unexpected result: The FM3's Cab Block seems to apply a pretty noticeable High Cut (picture 1). I was able to get the frequency spectrums to look much more similar with a High Cut at 10 kHz on the SIR3 channel. 6dB/oct (picture 2) or 12 db/oct (picture 3).

I could replicate the same thing using other IR loaders in my DAW, so something seems off with the FM3's Cab Block. To me it seems as if the 20 kHz High Cut, that is always active by default, is actually cutting at 10 kHz. Strange...


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Okay, I thought it wasn't true that the FM3's Cab Block changes the sound of the IR in any way when not using the High & Low Cuts or any of the other features of the Block. But I wanted to test it nevertheless and the results really surprised me.

I loaded the same IR (57+121 from the OwnHammer 412 EDVH Essentials Pack) into the FM3's Cab Block and into my DAW using SIR3 (all additional processing of the plug-in disabled). I put Pink Noise through the FM3 and recorded two channels - one with the FM3's Cab Block and another with SIR3. I put FabFilter ProQ3 on both channels and did an EQ Match. The surprising result: The FM3's Cab Block seems to apply a pretty noticeable High Cut (picture 1). I was able to get the frequency spectrums to look quite similar with a High Cut at 10 kHz on the SIR3 channel. 6dB/oct (picture 2) or 12 db/oct (picture 3).

I could replicate the same thing using other IR loaders in my DAW, so something seems off with the FM3's Cab Block. It definitely adds a High Cut at 10 kHz that it normally shouldn't. Strange... @rglr could you investigate what's wrong here?
I will be following this with most interest !! Thanks for doing this....but whatever the results : I love the sound coming from the FM3 cab block !
I will be following this with most interest !! Thanks for doing this....but whatever the results : I love the sound coming from the FM3 cab block !
Found the problem!

On the Preamp page of the Cab Block there is a 6 dB/Oct High Cut set to 10 kHz by default. I thought this is only activated when a preamp is actually selected, but apparently this isn't the case. The High Cut is in effect even when the Preamp Type is set to "None".
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Found the problem!

On the Preamp page of the Cab Block there is a 6 dB/Oct High Cut set to 10 kHz by default. I thought this is only activated when a preamp is actually selected, but apparently this isn't the case. The High Cut is in effect even when the Preamp Type is set to "None".
Yes, I always open it to 20kz to have that extra sizzle that sounds great in the band mix… to me :)
Yes, I always open it to 20kz to have that extra sizzle that sounds great in the band mix… to me :)
This is something I have to get more cognizant. I play mostly for myself now and know I tweak my presets to sound good playing alone. I’ll EQ in post for recording purposes. I should have more presets tweaked for when or if I play out again with others.
By design. Those high and low cuts affect all the cab slots and are not part of the preamp sim at all.
What's the point of having the default at 10 kHz instead of 20, so no cut at all? I don't see a situation in which one could need more bass than necessary...
Because guitar speakers typically don't have much output beyond 10k and that's a pretty common point to high pass electric guitar in a mix to give more clarity to vocals.
Because guitar speakers typically don't have much output beyond 10k and that's a pretty common point to high pass electric guitar in a mix to give more clarity to vocals.
12" guitar speakers typically don't have much output beyond 5.5K, 10's maybe a little higher.
Yes, I always open it to 20kz to have that extra sizzle that sounds great in the band mix… to me :)
I always found it odd that the default was 10kHz in the cab preamp. Although sometimes it can default to 20kHz.

It would be good just to have a flat selection as even set to 20kHz you can still have roll off in lower frequencies.
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