Stuttering Wah


Fractal Fanatic
A friend of mine called me about a problem with the Wah.
It seemed to stutter or jump. The transition wasn't fluid.
He checked the midi output of the Gordius LG and it was fluid.
We checked the parameters and everything seemed ok.
I hooked up my Gordius and noticed I had the same problem.
I didn't notice not before.
He's on firmware 7.18 and I'm on 8.02.
Did you try the pedal directly plugged into the Axe-fx. It works perfectly fine through my liquid foot and MIDI so I doubt it is a bug.
I've tried with the pedal plugged into Pedal1, with the Mitigator and a different pedal.
I've tried each of my 3 Boss FV500H's.
Same result.
When moving very slow, it's smooth.
A little faster and you start to hear it "jumping".
When playing multiple notes, you won't notice this that much but when holding a not, you will.
MisterE said:
I've tried with the pedal plugged into Pedal1, with the Mitigator and a different pedal.
I've tried each of my 3 Boss FV500H's.
Same result.
When moving very slow, it's smooth.
A little faster and you start to hear it "jumping".
When playing multiple notes, you won't notice this that much but when holding a not, you will.

have you tried increasing the dampening parameter.
No Sean, I haven't.
But it seems strange that all of a sudden I would have to do this if nothing has changed in the Wah block.
I'll give it a try anyway, tomorrow.
Fiddling with the damping certainly improves things.
I should've read the F**** manual more thoroughly.
DAMPING - Sets how fast the output changes with the input. To slow the response rate increase the damping. This can be used to "de-click" a controller that changes rapidly. This is especially useful when using controllers that have step-change responses such as an LFO with a square-wave or sawtooth waveform or the sequencer. In these examples the value of the controller jumps from one value to another instantly. If these values are then connected to a parameter, that parameter will jump from one value to another instantly as well. Many times this can cause an audible click or pop, especially if the parameter is a volume level or frequency parameter. By increasing the damping, the parameter will not jump to the new value but slide to the new value at a rate dictated by the damping value.

The damping control is also effective when using an expression pedal to control a parameter. It can help smooth out the pedals response, especially if the pedal’s potentiometer has gotten “scratchy”

Perhaps I should add this as a tip in the wiki?

Thanks again for the tip.
You certainly know the Axe-fx ;-)
Hi guys,

I came up with this problem on another board at first and found out what causes the clicks when moving the pedal. here's what I wrote over at the other board:

Ok I found the problem.

It's the LG-X display that cause the periodic interruption of the sweep while moving the pedal.
When you have a songlist on the display with larger names than the available space, the name moves back and forth to show all of the characters used for that name. This is exactly at the same pace of the annoying ticks that I hear. I found it by coincidence when I plugged out the patch cable out of the wah expr. pedal as I looked at the display at the same time.

It can be solved by shorten the names to fit the display. That is also why one wah did work fine for the song "Bitch" and when copying the wah from "Bitch" to a song with a too long name to fit the display, the imported wah was bad because the display showed the longer name from where I started the import.
It was very confusing for I didn't realise that I changed presets one time with the LG-X and another time with the dial or even with the Axe editor which does not effect the LG-X.

Cheers, I deserve one, lol

Rudy end of quote.

Just to be more specific, the clicks are at the same pace as the "steps" between the songname movement back and forth like 330 milliseconds or so.

Oh, I upgraded firmware and Axe-edit to the latest versions too yesterday.

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