Stupid move of the day

Been their done that before :lol .. Try a 16 penny nail through your palm with a nail gun, it went through the meat of my left hand just below my pinky exited about an inch on the other side and went back in to the meat of my palm by my thumb. Had to pull it out with a pair of channel locks. Couldn't play for 6 weeks.

Oh thats nasty. I did construction for a while and did something very similar, but it was stepping off of a ladder onto an upward facing nail and having it go through the soul of my work boot. I couldnt get it out of the boot so I had to try to get the boot of with the nail still in my foot. Sucked.
So sorry to hear that Shasha. Good thing I saw your picture before this thread or I would wonder what was up with that nose thing.
Ow that sounds damn sore, Shasha.
I'm a goldsmith so I'm using differing drills and very fine saw blades all day.
Drilled and sliced fingers are an unfortunate daily occurrence.
If I've a gig coming up I have to keep superglue nearby because I can't play with plasters!
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Love this thread. Actually, I've never broken any bones in my body ever. That sucks! Now I'm just going around waiting for it to happen you know? :D Because I'm sure it will eventually. lol. Well I've had some nosebleeds going on. that was insane! you know. blood and all. creepy :roll

when I think about it there was this one time.. At school we were making these benches out of huge timberthingies so this one day we we're cutting them into pieces..

And to do that we had to hold them up. Now this baby was heavy so the whole class had stand on line so that we got to lift it so we could saw it into smaller chunks.

Now this is where I come in. The guys doing the sawing was on one end, and I was on the tip of the other end. When we all were lifting I just had to put my foot under it going

"0o0o0h, don't let it go now. haha!" ----> BUT! what I did not know... was that while I was joking a round the people on the other side had shouted for all to let it go at once..

So there is this slow motion moment where everyone is going "......two,(and I'm like "what?"), THREE!" And down goes this huge timberthingie in slow motion, everyone did a perfect let go so that it could land perfectly on my foot. And it did. Actually I felt nothing but a thick thump from it. the nail fell off some days later, then I got an infection, then I had to do surgery because of it, then they managed to not do it good enough so today... my foot is all "two nails one toe". Maybe I have to make a website! lol.

When my neighbors see me working outside in my yard or on my house they grab lawn chairs bc they know something awfully entertaining is going to happen. I have a high deductible health insurance which sucks, so now I'm so extra careful that I barely get anything done!
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