Struggling Distorted Crispness



I'm struggling to get this crisp dynamic-ness from my AX8, and hoping you guys can help.

These are the sounds I'm trying to get

Unfortunately with out extreme eqing, I cant seem to get that same crisp/bite/edge?

I've read all the posts about close mic IRs vs amp in the room, and master volume. I thought it might be IRs first, but now I'm totally lost. I think all the videos I posted were close miced. Rick Nielsen uses an ISO cab blended with close mic'd onstage amps.

for all the dirty presets I build, I always have to cut 4-6db ~270 db and boost 3-4 db in 2-4khz range.

I'm playing an ESP Maverick H/S/S with a JB and 2 ESP HotRails. I know its a dark guitar, but just seem to be really struggling with getting a good live crisp biting tone. Is it my guitar (I only have 1 guitar)

The way I compare the sounds between the AX8 and the youtube videos is I use Sennheiser HD 280 Pro, Mackie SRM 650, Carvin 805, and the AX8 always seems less crisp and dynamic.

I will say that plugging the AX8 into the effects return of my Mesa Mark IV combo, using Clean channel presence at 3, I get much closer to the sounds in the videos. (Side note, Rhythm and Lead have Pull Shift on the presence. Pulled, it sounds like Clean, pushed in, it seems like an extra mid high is added)

Do any of the factory presets or Yeks come close to this for you guys? if so which presets, maybe its just my guitar?

Thanks for any help!
that a nice tone, it's amazing how different those mics sound, the 57 sounds really crisp.

I think the IRs play a big roll in the crispiness, i usually don't use the filters on the cab block to keep the full range of the IRs and only using them if the IR is too harsh. I would start by blending a Bright and a Dark cab together (using a stereo IR)

for the amp i would try a marshall with an overdrive in front
Also keep in mind those Divided by 13 amps in the first example have a unique tonal signature. I have owned a couple, and they are quite bright and very cutting. Not a lot of preamp gain with those amps. They have to be cranked up and rely on overdriving the poweramp to get those tones.

Try using non-master volume amp models and less distortion than you might think. Experiment with different IR's.
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Moke, thanks for the offer, I want to try on my own first. but I heard your recordings and they do sound great

Do you use a factory IR cab for Video Mokes JCM 800 Scenes 1 thru 4, 0:00 - 0:010? if so, which one (if you dont mind sharing).

Whats a good bright factory IR Cab to use? That seems to be my struggle right now, all of the factory IRs seem really dark.

Moke, thanks for the offer, I want to try on my own first. but I heard your recordings and they do sound great

Do you use a factory IR cab for Video Mokes JCM 800 Scenes 1 thru 4, 0:00 - 0:010? if so, which one (if you dont mind sharing).

Whats a good bright factory IR Cab to use? That seems to be my struggle right now, all of the factory IRs seem really dark.

Try factory 043 i think thats a bright one, blend it with another one, try this link to learn more about the cabs
Try 160 and 162 together, one is a 57 and the other one a 121 like on that youtube video
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ownhammer ir's. there's also some of the factory cabs. ???

place a looper block first in the chain of your preset, then record a riff and let it repeat while you switch ir's and tweak - that lets you focus more on the sound and speeds up ir auditioning etc... be sure to use the volume level you intend to play live with or it will sound completely different later.

Some amps bite more than others so audition amps the same way as ir's
I'll try the ownhammer ones, any suggestion which factory cabs? After auditioning more then 20 cabs, they all start to annoy me with the frequency cuts, so if you have ones that I can start with, my ears are alittle more tolerant.

Thats exactly what I do, looper is awesome for tweaking!

From the video, I can only guess he is using a Divide by 13 CJ11, mv at 1:00, bass at 3:00 trebel at 3:00 volume at 1:00

So here is my preset.

Amp Div 13 CJ Boost
X = bass at 9:00, no amp EQ tweaks
y = bass at 3:00, EQ tweaks, -4 db at 250

Cab low cut 80 hz, high cut 8000, 12db/oct
x = F014 1x12 Tweed
y = F179 USA 57,F177 USA 121b

Scene 1 is Amp X, Cab X
Scene 2 is Amp X, Cab Y
Scene 3 is Amp Y, Cab X
Scene 4 is Amp Y, Cab Y

let me know how you guys think these presets sound compared to the Royer youtube video.

in the end, I'm trying to find a good factory IR to use for live situations.



  • div 13 cj test.syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 11
I tried your preset, and I notice that you have American speakers in all positions. I would definitely try some Celestions (The USA cab may be Celestion V30s, but you need some less stiff ones). I would look in the wiki and see which (ultra-res) cabs contain greenbacks, creambacks, G12H30 and Celestion Blues.

I would definitely try TV mix 1&2, the Bludo mix as well as all Ownhammer and TAF offeringswithin the factory cabs.

I just tried a lot of different IRs from the Ownhammer VX212 pack (contains Celestion Blue and a Celestion Black Back), and I got some real nice tones. I did not have time to check against the reference or record a clip, so I cannot say that it is exactly what you need. I can only say, I liked what I heard.
Try this one out...........Amp 'X' and Cab 'X'
  • Changed the Amp to the non-boost model
  • Tweaked the 'Basic' and 'EQ' pages

  • Used the (Axe-Fx II) Factory Cab F:057 '4x12 Slm H75 (OH)'
  • Tweaked the 'High Cut' and 'Proximity'
There are a ton of ways to alter the tone in there. Don't be afraid to use the tools available. The EQ on those channel strips on the mixer in the video were probably not 'flat' either?


  • div 13 cj test(moke).syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 22
Increase the "Hi Res" value in the Spkr tab of the Amp block. Don't be afraid to turn it all the way up. Get rid of the Hi Cut in the Cab block.
Hey Moke,

Thanks for your effort, this sounds awesome!

I'm dissecting your changes to better understand.

Yes, your correct, I have no idea how "flat" the board or preamps are.

Also, its not discussed whether Tim goes thru any pedals before the front of the amp.

Thanks again!
I think, it is important to remember that the above is a commercial, it is not a demo. They will have used any means necessary to make the guitar (and the mics) sound absolutely wonderful.
So, I went for it :)

Here's my take on that sound

The preset is attached - I added both compressor and reverb after amp and cab, as I am sure, they have done in the studio. In Reaper, I even added Kramer Master Tape (Waves Plugin) and a Drawmer S73 (Easy preset based multiband compression, softube) to give it extra saturation and clarity.


  • div 13 cj test.syx
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