Sticky/crunchy feel to buttons on FM9

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I don't find I have this problem, however, using the Mooer Mushroom caps that @unix-guy recommended a couple of years ago, and play barefoot to with soxs most of the time. Had them on my FM3/FC6 and moved them to my FM9 still holding up.
Mostly the same here. I don't think I've noticed any sticky/crunchy footswitch activity, but will be swapping out my Mooer Candy (standard plastic cylinder) toppers with Mooer Shroom toppers. Will also invest in some lithium grease from the hardware store Friday. (I've got a store credit coupon the store issued some months back...hope they'll still honor it...). A little preventative maintenance is always a good thing.
Silicone spray {Liquid Wrench brand ) is what I use . Spray in the shaft while holding pedal upside down. This is what has been recommended in past threads as Silicone is a dry lubricant where lithium is a paste which attracts debris. Just my two cents.
Might something like De-Oxit work as well? IIRC this is used for cleaning contact points; was wondering if De-Oxit might also be used as a lubricant...
Silicone spray {Liquid Wrench brand ) is what I use . Spray in the shaft while holding pedal upside down. This is what has been recommended in past threads as Silicone is a dry lubricant where lithium is a paste which attracts debris. Just my two cents.
I’m sure dry lube would work great. I just wonder how long it lasts in comparison.

But you’re right, white lithium grease could definitely attract dust and dirt. I put it around the shaft and then depressed the foot-switch a bunch of times to try and get it down in there good. After that, I wiped off the excess. I’ll report back if it ends up dirty or causing any issues.
I have experienced this. Like others have mentioned, it is more likely if I am seated and applying pressure at a slight angle. I’d like to hear Fractal Support comment before applying lithium grease, or other lubricant.
Hi, I am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing a less than ideal “button press” experience on their FM9? The unit is brand new and I have never had this before on any of my Fractal devices FC6, FC12, FM3, AX8 or FX8 and MFC-101

It is a bit hard to describe other than there is a bit of a “crunchy” feel when depressing a button IF I am not pressing it directly from above. This occurs if I depress the button at even a slight angle….which I have never had before on any Fractal device. It is not all buttons but a number of them. It is almost like a new supplier of foot switches that did not manufacture them a cleanly as the previous supplier.

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this or if anything can be done?

Yes, mine is like that, too. I wonder if a little bit of light grease would make it less sticky....
Silicone spray {Liquid Wrench brand ) is what I use . Spray in the shaft while holding pedal upside down. This is what has been recommended in past threads as Silicone is a dry lubricant where lithium is a paste which attracts debris. Just my two cents.
I wouldn’t worry about dust and dirt. The wheel bearings on your car are packed with grease, and they’re exposed to dust dirt, heat, cold, and all kinds of weather for years. They do fine.
I wouldn’t worry about dust and dirt. The wheel bearings on your car are packed with grease, and they’re exposed to dust dirt, heat, cold, and all kinds of weather for years. They do fine.
Only thing I might be concerned about is whether the grease might react with a plastic topper. Not overthinking this, but just being cautious...
Going to try a drop of Lock-Ease "graphited" lock lube on mine. Supposedly the fluid carries graphite into nooks and crannies, then evaporates, leaving a graphite film behind.... 1202212106c_HDR.jpg
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Hi, I am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing a less than ideal “button press” experience on their FM9? The unit is brand new and I have never had this before on any of my Fractal devices FC6, FC12, FM3, AX8 or FX8 and MFC-101

It is a bit hard to describe other than there is a bit of a “crunchy” feel when depressing a button IF I am not pressing it directly from above. This occurs if I depress the button at even a slight angle….which I have never had before on any Fractal device. It is not all buttons but a number of them. It is almost like a new supplier of foot switches that did not manufacture them a cleanly as the previous supplier.

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this or if anything can be done?

I have the exact issue you are describing. Never had this on ax8 or fm3. Where do you get lithium grease others are talking about?
I had a few switches on my AX8 that do this and unfortunately I also have at least a few on my FM9 that do it as well.

It seems to be the physical switch itself where the top part of the button assembly is not moving directly down the center of the shaft and is rubbing on the sides. Like others have noted, this happens more often while sitting vs. Standing.

Like others have mentioned using a dry lubricant like silicone would probably be okay if applied with a Q-tip. I would not recommend spraying a lubricant to the buttons directly as it could potentially get in the switch.
Going to try a drop of Lock-Ease "graphited" lock lube on mine. Supposedly the fluid carries graphite into nooks and crannies, then evaporates, leaving a graphite film behind.... View attachment 92400
Just tried the Lock-Ease. Q-Tip application in a ventilated area. The hardware stores didn't have the Liquid Wrench Silicone Spray, but had other stuff with disclaimers that said was not to be used with plastic, so I chose the Lock-Ease because of my CEBA covers. Couple drops around the Q-Tip, applied on the switch shaft, allowed to dry. I'll never need buy another bottle of this stuff; it's gonna last forever...
Just tried the Lock-Ease. Q-Tip application in a ventilated area. The hardware stores didn't have the Liquid Wrench Silicone Spray, but had other stuff with disclaimers that said was not to be used with plastic, so I chose the Lock-Ease because of my CEBA covers. Couple drops around the Q-Tip, applied on the switch shaft, allowed to dry. I'll never need buy another bottle of this stuff; it's gonna last forever...
Yup. My bottle is from the '90s. A little dab'll do ya....
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