Steve Vai Doesn't Like Amp Modeling - Rick Beato Interview

I tend to believe controlled tests
Ah, science. Who doesn't love them some science, right? Can you show me which controllable tests you are referring to, please?

The wiki quote is from this "controllable experiment":
You ready to call this article "science test", but not similar tests from other people? It is LITERALLY one person testing himself with guitar and stating that 10ms of an ECHO is not something you can hear? How is this controllable - or even meaningful - test?? And how did you miss in the "outcomes" section this:
Latencies less than approximately 10 ms to 15 ms are not perceived as echoes with in-ear monitors.
That's right, the part you are quoting is about vocalists, microphones and headphones. And the whole article is pretty much about everything else but guitar.
It would be awesome if at some point we would stop using this nonsense article as "scientific argument".

Do a simple test in a very controlled environment. Set up electronic drums to 15ms and ask you drummer to play it against a track with no delay. Measure the latency between him starting play and sticks flying towards you. It will be very small, almost immeasurable, but I insist you not to trust me on that and see (feel) it yourself.
It is not to say you can't play with the delay/latency, you can and you do (all of us do). But stating that some latency is something people can't feel is top notch deluxe premium bullshit. Some might not, we all are different in the end.

Now jokes aside, are we really comparing Vai's and many other's experience with the latency to some bullshit wiki article referring to a random blog post as scientific study?!
I'm not saying he's necessarily right because he is he. But that nerd is 10 times more scientific and experienced than wiki authors.
Of course it's the overall latency that affects the player and of course it accumulates. But add a loop or 2 and a couple of active external digital pedals to a tube amp and boom, there's perceptible latency there as well. But I don't hear people complaining about the latency of tube amps.
I also notice a difference with and without my Eventide Tricerachorus in the loop.
It also adds phase issues when i introduced it in the fx part of my rig, so it's taken out of said rig.

If i notice a negative difference in any rig/setup when introducing an effect/speaker/piece of gear,
i just take that part out of the system again and i don't spend more time on it.

Whatever works for you or me is cool.
Of course it's the overall latency that affects the player and of course it accumulates.
Obvious to you, but not to many, particularly with so much "advice" just focused on latency associated to a single core digital component + advising: "not to worry, it's nothing - just like X feet of distance", yet so little advice posted focusing on how to, in detail, determine your own total signal chain latency (including active digital gear latency, dsp based monitoring latency, active digital fx loops latency, latency related to physical distance to monitoring source ...) + how to determine personal threshold (as you've done above🙏 ✅), so the 2 can be compared and the result monitored on an ongoing basis. It's frustrating how very often the topic discussion is just arguments about how low the personal threshold of latency perception can be (lol!, who gives a flying f%#^ - if SV's threshold is 1ms, then goody for him (or maybe not-so-much goody since a sensitivity for latency that low would be a real pita imo🙄 (and could explain his pref for mostly analogue)), I don't care unless I'm playing with him, and even then, I may not care much unless we're playing harmony with varying latency relevant distances between each of our ears and the monitoring sources) - what matters most is my own and how it compares to the current total latency of the signal paths I use including physical distance to monitoring source (In my case physical distances are pretty much nill (Basement hacker) but often lots of chain usage with outboard of Axfx dig gear included, so I need to keep track of it against my personal threshold (around 12+ms is where a perfectly good feeling signal chain starts to go south in my mind)).
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