Standard CPU usage


Hi everyone ! It's my first post here :) I want to buy a Standard, because I can't justify the 500$ more considering I'm not interested in Ultra extra features. However, I need to know if I can run patches with dual amp and 2-3 effects without getting closer to 100% CPU usage. Thanks in advance !
Yes you can. I have a Standard, only had it a week, just messing around with the presets at the mo, but there are are loads running 2 amps and effects, go for it. Im running mine into some surround sound speakers, nothing speacial and the axe sounds wicked, blows my Boss GT 10 out the water

Bye bye Boss GT 10, it was nice knowing you (not)

Exit this way >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Will all Boss and Pods please leave the building
I have some dual amps presets with one stereo cab, a compressor, a panner, EQ, delay, reverb, and maybe one or two other effects.
What you can't do is combine two amps + two hi res cabs + 2 reverbs
with the latest firmware the amp cpu consumtion decreased, I must check if now I can use two drives with two amps and my usual other effects (eq, delay, reverb)
OK, let me say what patches I have in mind:
1. one clean amp + cabinet + chorus + delay + reverb = that would be my main clean sound
2. 2 amps (one boosted) + 2 cabinets + EQ maybe = main dirty sound
3. one amp (boosted) + delay + reverb = lead sound
Of course when I say amp it's preamp and poweramp
Can I make these sounds ?
Yes. That's not a problem.

I have several patches like that. There are also many ways to boost an amp for solo's using a single amp block which is what I do for leads.

For example my main Plexi patch is Amp->Cab dry for rhythm.
To boost for solos, I have preamp gain, parametric eq(mid boost,high cut), delay input,reverb input and a volume block all tied to my expression pedal. It's stupid simple, and works really well.
fremen said:
I have some dual amps presets with one stereo cab, a compressor, a panner, EQ, delay, reverb, and maybe one or two other effects.
What you can't do is combine two amps + two hi res cabs + 2 reverbs
with the latest firmware the amp cpu consumtion decreased, I must check if now I can use two drives with two amps and my usual other effects (eq, delay, reverb)

Hi, did you checked ?
OK for 1 comp, 2 drive, 2 amp, 1 hi res or stereo cab, 1 parametric eq, 1 graphic eq, 1 delay, 1 reverb. You can trade the graphic eq for a modulation effect like the chorus.
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