Sound engineer has issues with AXE--suggestions?

I don't really know why everyone is making fun of the statement of the sound guy in the TO post.

Almost everything he said is true to a certain extent. And let's be totally honest: 5 years ago, all you guys would have said the same.
He probably just doesn't know about the Axe (or K-brand). And you can't really blame him for that if he isn't a guitarist.

I know a sound guy working in a small music bar that always shudders when someone tells him about going direct. Because in 90% of the cases, that means a pod - or worse. He told me about one guy that wanted to go direct with just a couple of overdrive and fuzz pedals without any amp sim at all.
You can't blame people speaking from experience if they made those experiences. ;)
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True, BUT, it's easy enough to vet the player in question when asked about going direct:
'Yo, sound dood, I wanna jack my sweet axe straight into da board.'
'Yeah, ok cool, you got your cab sims and everything lined up?'
'Nah I gotta Big Muff Pi.'


'Hello, kind sir. I would like to assist in simplifying your tasks for the evening and present you with a pair of XLR connections that you may insert into your fine board of mixing, without preamble or assistance from the Gods of 'Oh God Mah Tonez'.'

'Do you have your cab sims...'

'Nay, good man. I have presented you with a fine assortment of prearranged simulations containing both my amplifier selections as well as an assortment of emulated cabinets from which my dulcet tones of goodness shall emanate from your fine Public Address system. Let us make with the plugging and provide these fine people with entertainment tonight.'

Or, something like that anyway. ;)
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