Song mode


we need song mode...
I would like to have the song list as in axe fx II and the possibility to set 4 preset x song.
Ciao, io uso song mode da tempo...ho settato 5 scene per song...credo sia possibile settare le scene eventualmente in base al tuo reale utilizzo

This is the one of the main reasons holding me back from buying an AX8.

I use an Axe-Fx II and used to use a MFC-101 with it but now use a FAMC Liquid Foot Plus (LF+) and both had song modes. I really expected that the AX8 would have at least all the functionality of the MFC-101 bc MIDI doesn't need much processing power.

I currently program song mode, so each section of the song goes in order by presets, so I only have to step on one foot switch and it scrolls through the song. I never have to think about what preset to select next. I do have a scroll down foot switch programmed just in case I accidentally step on the scroll preset up foot switch twice.

Having an amazing sounding preamp like the Axe-Fx II and an advanced MIDI Foot Controller (MFC) like the LF+ makes playing music an even greater experience. I really can't imagine playing in a band without using Song Mode and Set List Mode, once I've used them.
Couldn't you do this with banks? Use a function pedal to go up one bank at a time and then set up the foot switches 1-4 as preset 1-4 in that bank.
Couldn't you do this with banks? Use a function pedal to go up one bank at a time and then set up the foot switches 1-4 as preset 1-4 in that bank.
In this way you should duplicate presets in different banks.
Then if you modify a preset you have to change in in different banks...
A lot of work...
And without global blocks is a mass...
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