Somethin completly different / introducing my Band AlienLimbSign (doomyhardcoremetal)


Hello Folks and a (very late) happay nu year :lol

it s realy weird ... i am just a little kinda seasick from drinkin too much bourbon yesta-day, so as i opened the forum the first time this year i thought :shock ... goddamn how much alcohol did ya have ... this is not the fas forum :eek: ... anyway ... and back to topic ...

it is the first time i post a song from my REAL band AlienLimbSign ... and i am REALY looking forward to get some critics, hints, hits (haha) and whatever oppinion from you ... as i know you all as a realy good fair and competent audience :geek

so do not hold back ... umhhh ... ok ... do not hit tooo hard :lol

and here we go ... song is called BlackDeadBird the music is somethin doomy hardcore metal

if you wanna listen to more you can also visit us on MySpace or ReverbNation you ll find some more songs and so on if you like to hear and see more of us

I realy hope you enjoy it ...

... and let me know what you think !!!

Greatz M
Ah c'mon whatz up guys :eek:

... no one any opinion :?:

ok just to give some unasked answers

It is all recorded at home ...

drums are Superior played thru a Roland HD-1
bass and guitars are thru the Axe of course
but the main trouble was recording the vox ... we live in a flat and our neighbours hate us now ;-)

and ok ... i am neither Scott nor Nolly or Clark or anyone of their league ... and though i realy appreciate their work and what they do for the comunity ... i would even do less if i had more time to play around with all the IR's and sounds cause they realy have a lot of exprerience and i benefit a lot of it ...

but if there are 50+ views on a thread i will not believe that there was no one amongst the listeners with an opinion about the music, the production even the myspace design or my bad english :lol

so please ... we need as much exprerienced comments as we can get cause we still wanna improve

Greatz M

PS: if anyone likes any of the patches i will share them of course :lol
I stapled heavy moving van blankets on the walls and ceiling of my bedroom closet (about 3' wide x 6' long and 8' tall) for recording any vocals or mic'd cabinets! Works perfect. It's not 100% sound proof but it helps big time.
Hi gorilla and thank you for your post ;-))

though you didn t say anythin bout the contents it s a helpful answer ... :D

we ll try it next time ... but it was a pain in the ass to record the vox because our vocalist is REALY loud ... i have a lot of foam at the walls of my little recordin room

it was not a matter of sound even more of anoyment ;-)

is the music realy that bad :?:

... but even if it is ... is there NO ONE who dares to tell his opinion bout it :?:

so c'mon even by a great chance to anoy you all


Greatz M

On first thought ...GOJIRA

Your VOX really tapped into that GOJIRA grind.

The Guitars are very DOOM and I dig it.

The drums sound pretty much real and very dynamic even thru the PC speakers at work (shhhh dont tell any one im not working).

Over all I think it sounds really good, the guitar tone is super sweet and I would love to see a patch of what you did.

I am prolly the worst critic cuz I think anyone who finishes a song and posts it is doing allot better than myself, who has nothing up yet..

Nice work
Thx to you for the kind words :D

i realy realy appreciate it and it makes me glad that you (and Gorilla of course) answered on this post ...

this Gojiira thing is something i heard a lot in the last time :lol our singer (not me) was very pleased as i am told him ;-)

I hope you load up some of your songs soon :) i am realy looking forward to it

oh yes ... here are the both different rythm guitar patches ... this time i used a Ibanez RG7321 with a BKP Nailbomb in the bridge ...

hope you or any one else can use them ... would be great to hear some comments bout em too ... but i do not think that i ll get any :(( ... maybe the thread title was choosen wrong (HAHA)

Anyway ... i would still like to read what any one of you think about the music, the patches the production whatever

Greatz M


  • Moeb05.syx
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  • Moeb06.syx
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I like the riffs, pretty good. Got the presets, I'll check em out when I get a chance.
I enjoyed the song enough to check out the myspace page, which also had some great tunes on it. Keep letting us know when you do new stuff as I would be interested in hearing it!
Thank you jay for the kind words ;-) and for sure i ll let you know when we do new stuff ... realy appreciate the interest in our songs

i would also appreciate any kind of comment but there was not much this time ... i don t know why but i never started a thread with that less attention to it :(

anyway ... before i start to complain again ... a realy big thx to all ...

i hope that there is at least one or two guyz in that forum who are kind and write down a little comment

Greatz M
Hey man,

I'm in a more mosh/hardcore band (Ghost Inside, As I Lay Dying, Bury Your Dead, Haste The Day) and I've been looking at all the axefx stuff and it's mostly U2 or uber metal stuff... good to see someone getting these sorts of tones.

If these drums are "fake" then congratulations sir, they sound amazing... the mix overall is also very very good, I'd be happy to release a first EP of this quality for sure.

Anyway my AxeFx purchase is probably about 2 months away and the more I read on it, the more excited I get... seems pretty amazing.

Keep it up dude,
Hey FenixIA

and thank you for your comment and your kind words i realy appreciate it ... :D

yeah ... it looks a little like there s not much place for music of this kind ...

but it will hopefully change if people see that the Axe works fine with nearly every kind of (guitar oriented) music

i d like to hear something from your band too ... so feel free to take the patches and if you like/need i can give you the bass patch and drumsetup too ... maybe you ll finetune it and i can have them back improved some day :D

Anyway ... thx for the comment

Greatz M
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