Some Pink Floyd Tones

Wow, these are all excellent! I've been performing Breathe acoustically for years but could never quite get the right electric nailed it!
Tried some of them with Axe Edit and they loaded fine. Dunno what the problem could be with sysex librarian. Give it a shot with Axe Edit.
Thanks for your Floyd presets! I like them, especially the Shine On patch. Why did you choose to put Chorus and Rotary above each other with separate cables? Just curious.
Also I think your amp and drive levels are too high. The output is clipping.
Thanks for your Floyd presets! I like them, especially the Shine On patch. Why did you choose to put Chorus and Rotary above each other with separate cables? Just curious.
Also I think your amp and drive levels are too high. The output is clipping.
The levels are right for my strat, but they do clip for other guitars. Everyone will probably have to tweak a little.

As to the chorus and rotary arrangements, I played with having them in line, but for whatever reason they didn't sound like I wanted. I tried various mix levels, then decided to basically try splitting the signal into each to see what that would do, and I liked that better. Essentially, half the signal gets Chorus, and the other half gets Rotary. The result makes the tone more subdued, which is right for the Shine On sound (to my ears).
The Dogs patch is the best patch I have downloaded on any device ever - Axe, 11R, POD, Vetta, VOX, Zentera, VST, AU. Great job.
Thank you for your generosity. The patches are amazing. I wish I could reciprocate (perhaps one day I will have the courage to share but each time I start the process someone posts patches like these and I run for the proverbial woodshed to practice, practice, practice). Your ears, talent and efforts are warmly appreciated.
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