Some cool UI changes coming to the AX8...

so does this change mean when you hit bank select mode you actually can see the preset names in each bank as you scroll through?
Big name should be possible to stay on not only 4 sec on but could be on non stop. It is usefull if we use scenes (esp. sticky scenes) which has visualisation in FS's LEDs.

BTW: it would be nice to give names to scenes and see it as a big names after using switch. Generally I would like to see the same "new" things for presets/banks in scenes department.
Is there any official word on this? I mean it's really cool that the FX8 guys are getting something that is probably implied at this point for the AX8 peeps but without an official comment from FAS it's just more of the same old spectulation game.
Both units share a common code base, and those changes came directly from the AX8 wish list. Maybe the same requests were submitted in the FX8 sub-forum, but I think it's safe to say this is a little more than speculation.
This is nice stuff. I'm happy about the preset list view. That was something I had asked for in regards to the AX8.
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