Some Confusion and Questions About VU Preset Leveling

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I wouldn't call it "additional problems". in many (most) cases adjusting Amp level will not affect your tone. It only does so to the effects named by Javajunkie, and that's very logical.

As a matter of fact the Axe behaves much better in this regard than traditional systems. Increasing the output level of an analog amp will affect the input level of any effects processor after the amp. If you don't want to use Amp level, use the main level slider in the Output block on the grid instead. But you have to apply that to each scene.

"was supposed to": well, that's up to the designer and clearly he designed it in the way he wants it to act. Speaking for myself: I would NOT want the levelling to be applied to each preset automatically.

I used the VU levelling to go through 90 presets. Took me about 20 minutes I think. Gigged with those and they were perfectly fine.

Yes it is logical for those things to change, I agree. And yes, I know about the output block needing to be adjusted per scene now. I disagree that changing the amp level doesn't change the sound of the preset. I noticed the changes and that is why I asked my third question. Namely, that many patches had too much preamp drive and others had to little after leveling. Yes, I know that the output mixer level has to be adjusted per scene, which is why I'm proposing another way to do it. A way that changes nothing else in the preset and effects the whole preset, not individual scenes.

'"was supposed to": well, that's up to the designer and clearly he designed it in the way he wants it to act. Speaking for myself: I would NOT want the levelling to be applied to each preset automatically.

I used the VU levelling to go through 90 presets. Took me about 20 minutes I think. Gigged with those and they were perfectly fine '

There is a problem here. First of all, I never said anything about automatic preset leveling. I can't imagine where you got that from because that's not what this thread is about. Second, You are acting as though I have been critical of FAS and now you are defending them. Did you detect hostility in my posts? There was none. I'm just asking if a way to use the VU meter without it changing anything else in the preset can be done. I even said I would happily use my ears and forgo the VU if this could not be done. I have utmost respect for you Yek, but you are coming off as condescending a bit here.

For what it's worth, I'm happy for you that you didn't notice any sound changes. I, however, did.
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Since there are obviously additional problems with any current parameter we assign VU leveling to, is it feasible for FAS to create a once-per-preset master volume parameter in the output mixer and attach the VU leveler to that? I really don't see amp volume as a viable option if changing it also changes so many other things. Leveling a preset shouldn't require going through and editing each preset afterwards, that defeats the convenience that the VU leveler was supposed to offer in the first place. If that's just how it is, I'll use my ears happily, the VU meter just seemed like a more convenient way to do it.

As for the crashing, I had the Axe on for about four hours today for rehearsing. I was able to do it across several patches many times throughout that time frame. The device has been off for about two hours now, I just booted it up to see if it was happening on every single preset and now I can't make it happen even once. I dunno what the heck is going on there, but an inconsistency like this makes me nervous to gig with it. What could explain this?

The overall preset volume option has been topic of discussion in the wish list section even before the preamp was an option. If you do a search there you'll find a few topic on the subject. I support the idea if feasible and does mess with people that use scene by scene leveling.
Locking this thread down. It is being handled in support. The volume leveling issues should be brought up in the wish list section.
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