SOLVED: FM3-EDIT stuck "communicating" but is connected?


FIXED! Somehow, the port got changed in FM3-Edit > Settings > Preferences. I have no idea how but I changed it to the correct one and it works again.

I've never had this issue before, but here goes. I connected my FM3 to my computer, as I often do. However, this time, FM3-Edit gets "stuck" on this screen below. It says connected, but stalls in the "Communicating..." stage. After about 30 seconds, I get an error pop-up (further below) that the communication timed out. I restarted my computer and reinstalled the Windows drivers, but there has been no change. I also tried updating to the beta version, in anticipation of the beta firmware but still no change.

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Mine does this frequently. I just shut it down through the task manager (Windows) and restart the editor. Takes a few tries sometimes. Not sure why it does it. So I just live with it. Tried the usual suspects reinstall drivers etc. My desktop is ok but my LT has issues.
Did you get the beta version of FM3-Edit? You need that if you have the 6.00 beta installed on the FM3.
I still have the 5.03 firmware so I’m still running the older, stable version of FM3-Edit too.
It’s OK to run a more recent version of Edit as it’s aware of older firmware. The opposite is not true because Edit might not be aware of additional parameters or what to do with them.
Can you try it on a different computer?
Hello! I tried it on my laptop and it worked just fine, so it is something with my desktop computer. There have been some Windows updates but other than that, nothing has changed, that I’m aware of. I’m not sure how to troubleshoot the location of the issue hmm…
Well, good try!
Have you reinstalled the drivers (not just Axe Edit)?
It's the weirdest thing because I can use the FM3 as my soundcard and listen to computer audio through, as well as use it as my audio card in my DAW. The only thing that has the problem is getting FM3-Edit to properly see it!
Have you tried going into Settings and re-selecting the connection?
It's the weirdest thing because I can use the FM3 as my soundcard and listen to computer audio through, as well as use it as my audio card in my DAW. The only thing that has the problem is getting FM3-Edit to properly see it!
Sounds like you've tried every suggestion you've been given.
If you haven't already, I'd contact Support. They're usually very responsive (and that's where I got my suggestion to change the USB cable).
Also, since you've tried 3, I'm sure at least one of them was under 6 feet. I found that my 'long' USB cable (even though it has a built-in repeater) can be flakey.
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