[Solved] Atomic CLR Active Cabinet question


I recently purchased an Atomic CLR Active Cabinet so I could stop lugging my Mission Engineering 2X12 Gemini 2 around and the volume levels on my distorted channels is very low yet the cleans come through perfectly. Any CLR users out there know what I’m doing wrong? I am using the same settings as on my Gemini 2.
I recently purchased an Atomic CLR Active Cabinet so I could stop lugging my Mission Engineering 2X12 Gemini 2 around and the volume levels on my distorted channels is very low yet the cleans come through perfectly. Any CLR users out there know what I’m doing wrong? I am using the same settings as on my Gemini 2.
I don't have a CLR but I have read there is a specific method of properly gain staging with them.

Have you read the manual?
if they were leveled on one full range speaker, then they should be relatively close on another full range speaker. gain staging shouldn't make that much of a difference regarding different preset levels.

were you running stereo on the 2x12, but now running mono on the single CLR? is it phase cancelling? describe your setup more so we can help more.
Yeah...gain staging is definitely not the issue. I was running a Y cable to a single input on the Gemini 2X12 and no issue. Same cable to the CLR and what I’m discovering is that for some reason, the modulation (specifically chorus) is the key. My clean with chorus is fine through the CLR, but my distorted amps jump with the chorus activated and have very low volume without. My setup for the two cabinets is the same. I don’t think the CLR is the issue, but I do believe it is some internal issue with my Fractal that I need to adjust correctly.
...and my signal chain is normal — drives, compression in front...modulations, delays reverbs through the loop...
Regular instrument cable from which output on the AX8? Also, which XLR output from the AX8 if I go that route? Sorry...I’ve used the dual (stereo) connection to a single input for the last two and a half years. Total novice here.
Regular instrument cable from which output on the AX8? Also, which XLR output from the AX8 if I go that route? Sorry...I’ve used the dual (stereo) connection to a single input for the last two and a half years. Total novice here.
Output 1 - left or right. xlr or 1/4"

i believe the Gemini 2x12 has a special stereo input that isn't common on other speakers.
Unfortunately, no good on the instrument cable. Which XLR output would be suitable? Of course I don’t have a single XLR cable to test now
Are you using the 2290 delay? If you are you can get phase cancellation due to the channels being 180° out of phase.
Yes sir...tried left and right and even changed up the cables to make sure they were functioning.
is the Out 1 Volume up on the top of the AX8? are the knobs up on the CLR? if you change presets is there sound? any expression pedals plugged in and turned down?

there should be sound. no sound is usually something very simple to solve without overthinking.

does that instrument cable work?
OK...it was phase cancelling, so I just used the main side of the Y cable as a single out. Seems to be working, but curious as to why a single instrument cable wouldn’t ‍♂️
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