So what interfaces are you guys using?


So I have had my Axe-Fx for a while now, but didn't have the extra money to upgrade my audio interface from my Pod UX2.

Well now I've got the cash and I'm selling the UX2, I have my eye on the Focurite Sapphire Pro 14. Anyone have any feedback on it? Also I'm using Reaper as my DAW not sure if that makes a difference or not.
I use a Focusrite Sapphire Pro 40 and like it alot. Many people like the M-Audio Profire 2626 alot too. Both units have great pre's. I wanna say I got mine for around $360 new.
I've got the 002. I'm thinking about getting the Black Lion Audio mods. If anyone is a 002 or 003 user these mods will REVOLUTIONIZE your recordings.
Love my Apogee Duet at home and on the road, will very shortly upgrade to Metric Halo ULN8 as I need more inputs and more options.
If you only need 2 inputs, the Duet is great and fully capable of making pro quality keeper tracks, don´t let anybody tell you otherwise.
Alesis IO26 here. Love it. Firewire, 26 inputs/outputs, flawless midi (successful f/w upgrades with SendSX or MidiOx), and a very cool form factor. I think it's discontinued, though.
Wow, thanks for all the responses guys, looks like I have some homework to do.

Thanks for the heads up dodo, I knew it was firewire but didn't realize that it may need some special attention, I will definitely check that out.
I've got the Saffire 24Pro DSP and absolutely love it. I upgraded from an older pro-sumer sound card and it made a huge difference in terms of sound quality and flexibility.

It is firewire, but if I was going external I wouldn't use anything else. I've had problems with latency using USB in the past. Only thing that you need to worry about is having a Texas Instruments chipset on your firewire interface and that goes for any firewire device to be honest. You can find PCI ones for about $25.
I've got the Saffire 24Pro DSP and absolutely love it. I upgraded from an older pro-sumer sound card and it made a huge difference in terms of sound quality and flexibility.

It is firewire, but if I was going external I wouldn't use anything else. I've had problems with latency using USB in the past. Only thing that you need to worry about is having a Texas Instruments chipset on your firewire interface and that goes for any firewire device to be honest. You can find PCI ones for about $25.

So if I end up getting say the Saffire Pro 24 for instance, would i have to switch out the Texas Instrument chipset? Or does it come with a PCI one?
TC Electronics Konnekt 24D.

Quality and features are awesome. TC's support is far away from that. It took them 1 year to release stable drivers. However, drivers are stable now and they support nearly all OSs.

I connect following gear to the unit:
direct guitar for software amps and clean recording (for reamping)
axe fx for direct guitar sound
reamping (can be easily done with the extra integrator plugin)
synthesizers direct in
micros (Rhode NT-1 A, Sennheiser something) direct in

AD/DA is done fast and well.

The unit can be used standalone as minimixer as well and delivers outstanding reverb and a compressor.

I think it was replaced by the Impact Twin Interface.
I'm using an M-audio fast track pro... it works but it's picky as hell about what you've got loaded/running on your pc. Even with my system stripped down I still get pops/stutters in sound.

Are all these interfaces picky like that?
I'm using an M-audio fast track pro... it works but it's picky as hell about what you've got loaded/running on your pc. Even with my system stripped down I still get pops/stutters in sound.

Are all these interfaces picky like that?
I haven't had any problems like that with the Lexicon I-Onix U22, or with my Presonus Firepod. Both used on a 3+ year-old MacBook Pro.
So if I end up getting say the Saffire Pro 24 for instance, would i have to switch out the Texas Instrument chipset? Or does it come with a PCI one?

If you don't have firewire on your computer you'll need to buy a PCI firewire card in all likelihood (not sure what kind of computer you have). If you've got onboard firewire look in the Device Manager for what type it is. It'll be under the IEEE 1394 Host adapter section. Most manufacturers recommend TI chipsets for compatability reasons and I just ran into issues with a couple of PreSonus firewire interfaces at work; swapped out the firewire cards for some cheap TI based ones and they work really well.
If you don't have firewire on your computer you'll need to buy a PCI firewire card in all likelihood (not sure what kind of computer you have). If you've got onboard firewire look in the Device Manager for what type it is. It'll be under the IEEE 1394 Host adapter section. Most manufacturers recommend TI chipsets for compatability reasons and I just ran into issues with a couple of PreSonus firewire interfaces at work; swapped out the firewire cards for some cheap TI based ones and they work really well.

Right now I have a G5 PPC, but I will be upgrading to and Intel IMac in a couple of months.
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