So I am going to go with an FM3 in the loop of an FM9

I got the FM9 and FM3 running together. I have the FM3 SPDIF out going to FM9 SPDIF In. And, FM3 out 2 to FM9 input 2.

Seems to work great.
I'm going to try this out, but I still don't know how to use setlists/songs with this configuration; I use setlists/songs instead of scenes. Should I connect both units with MIDI, using the FM9 to send messages to "change FM3 songs" (Mainly to bypasss or change channels in some blocks according to the song section I've programmed in the sets/songs)? I can't figure it out yet, any help would be really appreciated. My main goal is to have more DSP available to use a few more blocks in some presets when my FM9 overloads.
Iwas using a Mastermind to control them both. I just went with one preset/song and used scenes. Songs and setlist were handled by the mastermind. I can see if they can be setup to sync song set/lists.
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