SKB injection mold machine time elapse

When I use to have big racks of gear (you know to play in front of 50 people)I had
ground loops from all the different gear, preamp, power amp, processor , pedal tray and so on

Humfrees Rack Isolation Tabs |

When put in correctly they isolated the gear from the rack rails and also the pieces above and below
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What I couldn't figure out is....why did the SKB do this, but not a regular ATA rack case?
The only difference I can see is that the items are touching aluminum (rails) instead of steel (rails).

I'm talking the EXACT same equipment. Every piece, every cable, in the exact same stacking order.
Something about the installation was different. For whatever reason, your wireless chassis wasn't connected t the other equipment's chassis in your wooden rack. Changing from aluminum to steel rails won't do it. It could be something as simple as a mounting screw not penetrating the paint in the wooden rack.
Very cool vid. Thanks for sharing. I wonder what other things can be made in that machine.....:p ** Axe-FX cases???
And this is why it costs $200 for a case that is made up of $3 worth of

That is a really impressive machine!

Random side question: anyone ever have issues with an SKB case causing a ground problem (humming).
I had a 6 space with my Axe and two wireless units in it. And no matter what I did, I could not get any of my gear to work without a constant (very loud) buzz/hum.
I had to unscrew a wireless unit, and pull it out a half inch so it wasn't touching the rails, in order to stop the hum.
I had an electrician buddy of mine come over and we tried grounding the case a bunch of ways, but nothing worked.

I took the same gear out of the case, popped it right back into a regular wood rack buzz/hum.
It had me I sold the case.

Anyone ever experience this?

I did about 20 years ago, and at the time, I used duct tape so my gear's rack ears wouldn't be touching the rack rails. And it worked.
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