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Significant Volume Difference When Switching Scenes


Hey Y'all,

I am on 18.03. I am playing with the cabinet modeling bypassed. I have noticed a problem where the canned scenes are odd. The seem to almost completely drop in volume between scene 2 and scene 3 - 8. I play through a Matrix GT1000FX and a pair of Mesa Rectifier slant 2x12 cabs. Slant like wedges - floor monitors. They are really cool cabs btw. Anyway, that's not the point. I get no (or very reduced) volume out of scenes 3-8. Anyone else experience this? Anyone have a fix or idea?

Thanks folks, as always this is a great resource.

Output volume is stored per scene. Check the output volume in the Output block mixer.

Jesus - you would think you invented the damn thing! Doesn't suck getting support from the man himself - thanks Cliff. Fixed. Although why is ist happening on every preset? Is it meant to be that way? Is everyone else required to adjust the output on scenes 3 thru 8 or is my unit screwed up somehow? Did I screw up when I flashed the new presets?

BTW - while I have your ear, I wanted to say thanks. I bust my ass all week at work, and look forward so much to my weekends where I get to screw around with guitar tone. This is so much fun. I really appreciate you not only making it - but the support, and community, and firmware updates, and other benefits of owning an Axe are just fantastic. Thank you! You have made playing the guitar a ball again.

Jesus - you would think you invented the damn thing! Doesn't suck getting support from the man himself - thanks Cliff. Fixed. Although why is ist happening on every preset? Is it meant to be that way? Is everyone else required to adjust the output on scenes 3 thru 8 or is my unit screwed up somehow? Did I screw up when I flashed the new presets?

BTW - while I have your ear, I wanted to say thanks. I bust my ass all week at work, and look forward so much to my weekends where I get to screw around with guitar tone. This is so much fun. I really appreciate you not only making it - but the support, and community, and firmware updates, and other benefits of owning an Axe are just fantastic. Thank you! You have made playing the guitar a ball again.


I doubt most presets have multiple scenes, except for some on the Axchange that are specifically set up to use a number of scenes. You can of course go and access 3-8 for any given preset, but that doesn't mean there is anything there meant to be used.

Can't expect to have what, 387 presets?, recreated for fw18, and then also expect 8 different scene variations for each of those too
I think it's 384, but still. I know Cliff is pretty dedicated, but adding adjustments for 8 scenes per would be 3,072 setups. A bit much, yes? <grin>
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