Show us your MFC setups! (post your pics)

At the very least I am hoping it has some standard holes drilled in the side of it. Maybe I can use my old PSM-200 rackmount kit. It's just baffling to me that they aren't included.
NOT with the unit. Must purchase separately, and it's not available. There's a post on the Line6 forum that said it may be six months. Sheesh. I'm with you G5man, that should be the easy part.

This seller Zoe's-Stuff on eBay assured me it is include. I have not ordered mine yet.

However, you may be right...I to need to make sure it is available.
This seller Zoe's-Stuff on eBay assured me it is include. I have not ordered mine yet.

However, you may be right...I to need to make sure it is available.

Got mine from an eBay seller yesterday. No rack mounting in the box. No holes on the side of the unit either. Whatever they come up with, I hope it's sturdy!
An absolutelly standard setup (exept from pitch and rot) makes it alot easier when new updates come along:)
Just started the scenes so this might change abit. Alot maybe.


The Mission are custom G66 EP-1 and EP-1 spl.
Might add a SP-1 when my skills get there..
I love that board. It is neat and you have maxed out the expansion with four switches and four expression pedals. Can you tell us the dimensions?
I love that board. It is neat and you have maxed out the expansion with four switches and four expression pedals. Can you tell us the dimensions?

Thanks "drgary"! The dimensions are 16 x 40 w/ 3.5" rise. $12.50 piece of MDF and two cans of Black Hammered spray paint!
Was waiting to show mine until the final piece of the puzzle arrived, but I'm starting to doubt the suppliers integrity and wondering if i'll ever get it. Anywho...

Here's my BATBOARD. Custom tags modeled after Sascha's awesome Stomp Labels (look close and you'll see the three he did I still use because they are too perfect) give it a killer polish. Yes, they are magnetic. :)


Left to right- Mission EP-1 for Whammy/ect, EBJR for volume and Mission EP-1 for Wah/ect...


My '66 Batman and checkerboard fetishes run all the way to the rack & beyond...

Was waiting to show mine until the final piece of the puzzle arrived, but I'm starting to doubt the suppliers integrity and wondering if i'll ever get it. Anywho...

Here's my BATBOARD. Custom tags modeled after Sascha's awesome Stomp Labels (look close and you'll see the three he did I still use because they are too perfect) give it a killer polish. Yes, they are magnetic. :)


Left to right- Mission EP-1 for Whammy/ect, EBJR for volume and Mission EP-1 for Wah/ect...


My '66 Batman and checkerboard fetishes run all the way to the rack & beyond...


Cool !:)
A Mix with our Stomplabels and your own cool Stuff ,
Great work Man ! You are a Marvel-Fan?! Batman !! :)
Greets from Germany ,Cheers Sascha
It's all due to you, Sascha. Your great labels are the perfect match for the MFC, all I added were my personal graphic touches. :)

I am a big Marvel fan (Spider-Man in particular), but for my "Batboard" design I went with my love of the 1966 Batman TV series starring Adam West & Burt Ward.
Was waiting to show mine until the final piece of the puzzle arrived, but I'm starting to doubt the suppliers integrity and wondering if i'll ever get it. Anywho...

Here's my BATBOARD. Custom tags modeled after Sascha's awesome Stomp Labels (look close and you'll see the three he did I still use because they are too perfect) give it a killer polish. Yes, they are magnetic. :)


Being a huge Batman-nerd myself, I'm unbelievable curious how you made those tags yourself? Could you give me some guidelines as I was planning to label my MFC in the near future?

I can't wrap my head around how cool this is dude!
It's all due to you, Sascha. Your great labels are the perfect match for the MFC, all I added were my personal graphic touches. :)

I am a big Marvel fan (Spider-Man in particular), but for my "Batboard" design I went with my love of the 1966 Batman TV series starring Adam West & Burt Ward.

Realy cool Idea :)
I picked up an Odyssey Case from Amazon and am planning on MFC plus three pedals. I'm not sure which pedals though, so I'm trying 3: my old EB Volume, a new Boss and a new SP-1. I'm sure I'll keep the SP-1 because of the flexibility and it's feel as a wah. I don't like it as volume though, so it's either Boss or EB for that.
Anyway, the case is super nice and has built in wheels. I like the slant of the pedal board (see the side pic), but it is a little higher than I'm used to once you get the pedals on there. I'll have to take all the feet off maybe.
The one big prob for me was that the board doesn't have any handles, so you have to add your own. No biggie - unless you want to fit an MFC and 3 pedals! Then it's too tight to get your hands in there. So I was going to buy a couple straight cabinet style handles, but saw that a long one costs like 14$ Then I saw these funky ones for $2 each. I used some hollow rod to raise the handles up above the pedals, so that when I open the case I can get my hands under them easily. It's a start!
Was waiting to show mine until the final piece of the puzzle arrived, but I'm starting to doubt the suppliers integrity and wondering if i'll ever get it. Anywho...

Here's my BATBOARD. Custom tags modeled after Sascha's awesome Stomp Labels (look close and you'll see the three he did I still use because they are too perfect) give it a killer polish. Yes, they are magnetic. :)

I love the checkerboard on the Ernie Ball Jr. I might have to do that to mine... and doing it in luminescent white check would be neat.

I made an update to my board by adding in the Midi Moose for Bank/Patch change. Wanted to use it to change scenes via the MFC, but that is not supported. Anyways, I love the layout and simplicity of the board. Thx....

Expression 1 – Volume
Expression 2 – Wah
Expression 3- Pitch, Chorus, Tremolo, etc…. (Based on Preset)
Expression 4- Pitch, Chorus, Tremolo, etc…. (Based on Preset)

Expansion Switches 1-3 – Looper Functions
Expansion Switch 4 – FX Loop (Talk Box – Output 2 from Axe 2)

MFC – 17 IA Switches
- I use a couple of guitars with acoustic & magnetic pickups for a hybrid sound. My presets have two rows where I can go back and forth between or blend acoustic/electric sounds.
- First row are for the acoustic effects
- Remaining 12 are used for the electric type of effects

I use the Midi Moose to do all of the Bank/Preset selection. I’ve modified the FS-6 and Midi Moose with a push button on/off switch to save battery life and have no AC power requirements for the board. Only connection required is the CAT5 from the Axe 2.

Finished the last board to complete my setup. Really enjoying this little rig and the Axe II has made everything so compact, clean and easily managed! Thanks Fractal!
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