Set Hold Switch functions globally?


Is there a way to set a switch's hold function globally? You can set the footswitches main function globally, but what about the hold state?
For the 8 footswitches, the only function of "hold" is to toggle XY states on blocks. There aren't alternate hold functions. If you set a block globally to a footswitch, you'll also have the hold for XY on that switch.
I thought he was talking about the F button's

Nope, I was talking about the main footswitches. But I guess I don't understand why they only control x/y. It would be a lot more versatile to allow those to toggle one effect or another. For example, if a preset has both compressor and envelope filter, why can't tap control compressor and hold control filter?
Nope, I was talking about the main footswitches. But I guess I don't understand why they only control x/y. It would be a lot more versatile to allow those to toggle one effect or another. For example, if a preset has both compressor and envelope filter, why can't tap control compressor and hold control filter?

That would be a cool feature, although it would be difficult to display status of effects with how the screen and LED hardware are laid out. They could maybe use the Y LED to show that you've activated the "hold" block instead, but then you wouldn't have any indication of XY. It also wouldn't be very intuitive - tap for compressor, hold for filter is kinda random, but tap for compressor, hold for different compressor makes sense.
That would be a cool feature, although it would be difficult to display status of effects with how the screen and LED hardware are laid out. They could maybe use the Y LED to show that you've activated the "hold" block instead, but then you wouldn't have any indication of XY. It also wouldn't be very intuitive - tap for compressor, hold for filter is kinda random, but tap for compressor, hold for different compressor makes sense.
Well I guess it depends on how you use things. I have never (ever, ever) used the Y state of anything. I just don't need multiple options for single effects. I'm a simple guy. That said, I would use more effects than I can fit on the switches currently. I don't really care about the display, I would know that if it showed Y it would be whatever I have the secondary effect set to on that switch. That would be far more usable for me than X/Y states which I've never used and don't have any need for.
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