Bug? Sending MIDI CLOCK or TAP TEMPO triggers sysex response & clicks


Fractal Fanatic
Axe-Fx II firmware 9.02
When tapping the tempo on the Gordius LG(X) it sends a Midi Clock command.
This triggers a sysex response from the Axe-Fx: F0 00 01 74 03 21 27 F7
Sometimes the response only lasts a few clicks, sometimes it goes on for much longer.
This also causes clicks for as long as the response is sent.
I noticed controls in the cab block flashing as if they were moving very fast back and forth.
This is probably the cause of the clicks.

I tried with replacing the Midi Clock with a Tap Tempo on CC#14
Same result.
I'm still having problems with this.
It's very annoying since I get clicks, pops and interruptions while playing.
I never had this problem with the Ultra.
I set the tempo for each song. So my controller continuously sends a clock pulse.
One solution would be to set the tempo by using sysex.
But therefore I would have to know the sysex commend for the Axe-Fx II
[h=3]MIDI_TEMPO_BEAT[/h] Tempo beat or 'pulse' message sent by Axe-FX II. Note that the Axe-FX II does not include the checksum byte in this message:
0xF0 sysex start 0x00 Manf. ID byte0 0x01 Manf. ID byte1 0x74 Manf. ID byte2 0x03 Model # 0x10 Function ID (0x10) 0xF7 sysex end

thanks but I already found that.
But for tempo it's for what the Axe-Fx sends, not how to set the tempo.
Any time you send a MIDI clock message any time dependent parameters, i.e. delay time, etc., will update. You should NOT send MIDI clock when tapping tempo. Only send the Tap Tempo CC message.
If I want to set the tempo for each song, I can only do it by using Midi clock.
I could ask Xavier (Gordius) if it could be possible to only send the first four beats to set the tempo instead of sending a continuos Midi Clock signal.
Another possibility is to set the tempo by using sysex but therefore I would have to know the appropriate sysex code ;)
To set the Tempo you send a CC message using whatever CC# you've selected as the Tap Tempo on the I/O-CTRL menu. The default value is decimal 14. You need to send at least two CC messages. The time between messages is the tempo. If you send multiple messages the unit will average the time between messages to derive the tempo.

You can set tempo directly using a sysex message but it's complicated as you have to set the Tempo parameter of the Control block.
I solved it this way for now:
I disabled sending Midi Clock on the Gordius
I set the tempo for each song
I send a macro that does the following:
send CC#14 value 127
block delay for 1 beat (automatically calculated from set tempo)
send CC#14 value 127
block delay for 1 beat
4 times.

Why is sending a sysex message complicated?
I you just had to know the proper sysex code and have the appropriate value for each tempo.
If I knew the proper code, I could do this easily with the Gordius.
Something like: F0-00-01-74-03-xx-yy-zz-F7
xx = code for tempo controller
yy = MSB
zz = LSB
I guess you would need more than two bits to get the proper resolution.
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