Selecting a Specific Channel and an Effect with One Button Press


Power User

Can’t work this out -

I’d like to have a drive block with channel A as a Fet boost and channel B as a TS808.

That’s easy but I’d like to have two foot switches on my FC12 to control this. One would turn on the drive and select channel A. The other turn it on and select channel B.

Seems to me I can’t do this - the only way is to have two drive blocks - which is a shame.

Am I right? Or is there a way?
You can switch it on/off with one switch and set up the other to choose channels. As far as I can tell, you can't use the same switch to toggle bypass state and channel at the same time.
You can get what you want with 2 drives and 2 control switches.

Drives noneab 2 switches.syx

Two drives:

Two CS assignments. I use Pre-Preset FC Overrides and a mostly empty Layout, but this can also be done as a switch in the layout if you want it globally available.

Here's where the trick happens:

Make the two switches you set up earlier "exclusive" and they can either be both off, or engaged only one at a time:

Smart Bypass is your friend.

Smart Bypass – This parameter is uniquely powerful. It is OFF by default. When you turn it on, it allows Channel switches to engage or bypass an effect. Activating the Channel Select switch for an effect channel which is already active will BYPASS the effect. Activating the Channel Select switch for an effect channel which is already bypassed will ENGAGE the effect. This powerful capability allows you to set up separate switches for different channels without the need for a separate “Bypass” Switch. In comparison, using separate switches for Bypass/Engage and Channel(s) can require two or more stomps instead of one to change between the various sound options.
Thanks for the replies, and wow I'd describe myself as a pretty good prrammer of this thing and there's always things to learn!

For me - scenes wouldn't work I'm going for a pedalboard replication vibe right now (previous approach was all scenes and I'm shaking it up).

Blame Cooper and his 'well this FC12 looks great' videos! :)
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