Seeing more AF2's for in FS thread lately...

For profit is my guess. People are take advantage of the fact that there is a waiting list for the last month or two - when it is over, I bet I don't see much units for sale anymore. Given there are genuine circumstances, but it looks to me that most are taking the last ride of profits before the wait list is a thing of the past.
Man, I blew it. My AXE-II arrives tomorrow while my wife won't be there, and I was stupid enough to post it on FB, didn't think she would see it, thought I hid it from her - but she saw my post today. Yipes. I'm afraid to go home from work today. No way I'm sending it back. I hope she doesn't leave me though.

Just tell her it's her Valentines gift! :)
Guys, please bear in mind I don't actually own the Axe Fx 2 yet. I'm in Europe, but should be getting one soon, I have been waiting since July 2011.
I agree totally with immortal_soloist, it's sorta laziness. Whilst waiting for the Axe I have read the manual about three times, followed the updates [version 3 seemed to prompt a lot of chatter]. The Wikipedia was very sparse months ago, but now I read that too. I try and read everything I can, even stuff about the real-life amps the simulations are based on, in case it'll help me dial in a sound when I get one. Basically, I should have a pretty defined idea where to start!
The thing that makes me annoyed about all the digital units [except the Axe Fx 2] is that someone will say something along the lines of: yes, but I can get my <insert generic modeller here> to sound really great after spending months and months tweaking it. WTF??? I reckon, as long as someone isn't completely stupid, you can get a real tube amp to sound great just by using the drive, master and tone controls. Indeed, I think it's been remarked that the Marshall JVM410 is a great amp for some people and it's hard to get a bad sound out of it. I'm really pleased the latest Axe seems to have this vibe, too. No eternal tweaking just to get a good sound. I recall reading somewhere that prior to Version 5, that the first generation Axe required a lot of tweaking and that put me off quite a bit. Tweaking should mainly be for polishing a sound, I reckon.
I would expect, from any decent digital amp-sim device to get a great sound using the basic controls, otherwise forget it. I want to play, not spend hours when I could be practicing, playing about with adjusting sounds, just to get it sounding passable. I'm not totally lazy, I was watching the stuff by ccroyalsenders, where he goes through all the presets. I absolutely loved the sound of the Fryette Deliverance, I had never heard of this amp before. You know what my first thought was?... I'd love to have a go with the advanced parameters and customise this baby to make one of 'my' sounds!
You guys on the forum have been absolutely awesome so far. I wonder if you're all in the vanguard of a sonic revolution that's happening right now. The possibilities are immense. I was trying to think myself actually, how to go 'beyond.' Just that amps have sweet spot and wouldn't it be great if the range of the sweet spot could be extended, just to give an example. But I think Cliff has already covered this? There will be other possibilities, but I'm not technically savvy enough yet about tube amps.
There are many reasons for this but one of them is the Kemper buzz, no doubt. There are a decent amount of Axe users buying or trying to buy one. The talk of great tube amp tones without any tweaking and the ability to get profiles of any amp you want, will suck guitar players in big time!! Not all of course, but a good amount for sure. It will be interesting to see if the buzz will last, but some people wanna try because it is getting great reviews out there.

I have and love my Axe-II, and am in the position that I don't have to sell it to try the Kemper. Many are not, and want to see what the hype is about, and if it will serve their basic needs more. Most guitar players are very basic by nature and this is not the selling point of the Axe. Most guitar players don't even like tube amps that have too many knobs on the front of their amps.

We can talk all we want about the Axe not being too complicated, but this is not the opinion of most guitarists out there.

My Axe-II stays for me because it sounds great,I knew what to expect from it, and it fits certain overall requirements that others don't. Plus Cliff keeps surprising me with things I don't expect.

You can also just sum it up for many as just plain old GAS!! I'm not immune.
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When I got mine at ver 2.something firmware I considered selling because it just wasn't sounding great to me, plus the reamping wasnt working the way i wanted, then 3.4 I think it was came out and I was really happy. After subsequent firmwares I've considered selling again, I haven't updated to the very latest so I'll see how that goes.
Wife Found Out!

Got that covered! “Cover”
Just need to drill hole for your cable and operate with nothing but the editor. Certain functions need to be done without the cover like firmware upgrade so that’s either late at night or suggest “girls night out”. For real desperate measures grab Axe Fx II and laptop go to home depot purchase this “inverter” and just do what you have to right in the parking lot.
The only thing better than what you've got is what you don't have for a lot of people. And lets be honest here, there are a lot of people that are into modellers for the technology aspect of it and having $4000 tied up in two units is probably a bit much to justify. Sell what you've got now, try out the new one, decide which one you really want.
I used to own a POD-XT and I thought it was more complicated than my Axe-FX II. When my Axe-FX II was corrupted and I lost my presets every single time I turned off the unit, it only took me a few minutes to dial in a solid tone.
for me, even the Ultra had too many options and Axe-Edit seemed buggy. I sold it, hoping to buy the II. Then my car had other plans for the money. Now that v5.x is out, it sounds like what I've been waiting for, along with the newest version of Axe Edit. When they get Axe-Exchange up and running, I'm sure that will be a big plus.

I was too lazy to learn the Ultra. I'm a tone chaser, but not an engineer. I have a short attention span probably due to my iDevices and their UI. Simple and powerful.

Maybe I'll get lucky with my tax return and a bonus, then I'll jump back in. Fractal stuff sounds amazing, I can't use anything else anymore. It's killing my creativity going back to my old Pod XT live, etc. Great job Cliff! Hang in there
Man, I blew it. My AXE-II arrives tomorrow while my wife won't be there, and I was stupid enough to post it on FB, didn't think she would see it, thought I hid it from her - but she saw my post today. Yipes. I'm afraid to go home from work today. No way I'm sending it back. I hope she doesn't leave me though.

Just think of it this way...If she does it will leave you more time for playing the Axe-Fx!
Man, I blew it. My AXE-II arrives tomorrow while my wife won't be there, and I was stupid enough to post it on FB, didn't think she would see it, thought I hid it from her - but she saw my post today. Yipes. I'm afraid to go home from work today. No way I'm sending it back. I hope she doesn't leave me though.
Just tell her that if she doesn't say anything about it, you will let her order that Sybian that she has been wanting as her Valentine's Day gift. That way she won't miss you while you are jamming and programming up new patches.
I have an ironic situation where I just got my Axe but may not get to use it from the middle of March until early August.

NOOO, I'm not going to jail or anything like that! I do freelance video work and may be on the road and doing work on a documentary film, which will keep me jammed up 6 days a week working, while on the road and traveling with no room for any extra stuff.

The question becomes... keep the Axe or sell it and buy it again in September when I'm back? That is if I'm lucky (or unlucky) enough to get the job.
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The question becomes... keep the Axe or sell it and buy it again in September when I'm back? That is if I'm lucky (or unlucky) enough to get the job.
Unless you have a financial situation, why would you do that? Do you also consider selling your guitars? Your Car? Your Bike? Then buy them all back when you get back from prison.... Wink, nod, I mean "The Documentary" LOL
Per Cliff's interview, he also apparently recently sold 80 II's in one day. Think about that.

I think maybe three groups would likely make up the majority of those selling II's.

1) People who play into a tube amp, who I think have more trouble adjusting to firmware updates, dialing in a favorite sound, etc (this is a much more tailored requirement, more so than a composer wanting access to an incredible array of sounds). I don't envy these people sometimes, since I know that there are so many instances where a great sound that was saved in a patch can with firmware advances suddenly seem unachievable, seemingly with hundreds of parameters possibly involved and needing but not having an expert consultant on hand to help

2) People whose top priority isn't tube amp feel and tube master volume distortion sound, such as people into specific metal tones that rarely want or need other types of tones.

3) Persons with damaged hearing who cannot tell the difference between one modeler and another.

4) Wife finally gave ultimatum to stop love affair with musician-pursuits, said wife having damaged hearing and can't appreciate greatness.
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Unless you have a financial situation, why would you do that? Do you also consider selling your guitars? Your Car? Your Bike? Then buy them all back when you get back from prison.... Wink, nod, I mean "The Documentary" LOL

Recently I have simplified my life and dramatically downsized my possessions.

Electronics advance and change so rapidly that there is usually a reason for me to be interested in buying a new device. But in keeping with my zen-like lifestyle I prefer to not accumulate material things.

Guitars are a much more personal thing for me. When I buy one I know I'll have it for many years. I'm down to two basses and two guitars. One bass I bought back in the dinosaur era and it now in my version of what I would call "retirement". The other I play regularly. One guitar is my everyday instrument, and one is going to be sold, as I want a new, and more modern daily player and will retire the other which is pushing 20.

So I'm thinking that the $3000 I just spent on the Axe & MFC might be better back in hand so when I get back to my regularly scheduled life I'll decide what to do.

That's MY reason for MAYBE selling. Was looking at other things recently, including the Kemper, but decided on the Axe. Anyway I won't be buying anything new at all until I get off the road.

As far as others, in the big picture it doesn't seem like a mass exodus from the Axe camp. I forget my serial number but from what I recall it was near #3000 which I would hazard a guess corresponds to the number of units sold, either total, or maybe just the U.S.. So a few for sale ads don't seem out of place.

1. The number of units at large in the wild is increasing. All products are subject to the effect of gearaholic buyers realizing that there is no magic pill to make you actually like your own playing better.

2. More and more people are moving in on black market deals. You'd be stunned at how many people email me asking if their "brand new unopened second hand" Axe-Fx II has a warranty (answer=no, btw)
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