Seeing more AF2's for in FS thread lately...

I'm more likely to buy a second II than I am to sell the one I have.

In case you're wondering, my wife knows about my AxeFx and also knows I'm contemplating another. :)
I was wondering why I couldn't find the "talent" parameter. :p
Ohh, trust me on this. It's in there. It's just a hidden field and won't pop up until you've beaten the 13th level of Alien Scale Savants on PS3 - Fractal Edition. Rights to such prestigious parameters must be earned.
Man, I blew it. My AXE-II arrives tomorrow while my wife won't be there, and I was stupid enough to post it on FB, didn't think she would see it, thought I hid it from her - but she saw my post today. Yipes. I'm afraid to go home from work today. No way I'm sending it back. I hope she doesn't leave me though.
Congrats!!! on your Axe 2, Just hope you dont have to get a Wife 2. :lol Just kidding, enjoy................
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My 2 cts:

If it all works, the II is probably the nicest rig for me...

Problem is that Axe-Edit / Axe communication will always be buggy. That's a "You can take that to the bank" statement for me...
I'm not even saying it's the programmer, it could be the Axe, USB protocol or a combination.
If it was the programmer, I wish it was done by a better one and cost $150 or whatever...

The more I use it, the more I seem to see proof it destabilizes the Axe, is independable, unintuitive, etc.

If someone claims it's working close to 100% for them, maybe they have the very cleanest and optimized system possible (like you needed in the early days of HD recording) and Axe-Edit is the only thing that's on it?

This fact defeats the promise of playing around with many, many presets and "forces" you to just keep 5 to 10 presets and adjust them on the Axe. The rest might be leading to too much frustration. The advantage is that you might play more though, but you have all this potential sitting there you can't be bothered with to fool around with, cause it fools around with you... :mrgreen Might as well buy something else, I could imagine...
Man, I blew it. My AXE-II arrives tomorrow while my wife won't be there, and I was stupid enough to post it on FB, didn't think she would see it, thought I hid it from her - but she saw my post today. Yipes. I'm afraid to go home from work today. No way I'm sending it back. I hope she doesn't leave me though.
You could always sing and play "Don't Cry" by Guns N Roses for her. It kind of goes with the situation.
"Talk to me softly
There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Something's changing inside you
And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight"
If you analyze this it does go with your situation man :p.
Good luck and congrats on the Axe FxII! You'll love it!
There are many reasons for this but one of them is the Kemper buzz, no doubt. There are a decent amount of Axe users buying or trying to buy one. The talk of great tube amp tones without any tweaking and the ability to get profiles of any amp you want, will suck guitar players in big time!! Not all of course, but a good amount for sure. It will be interesting to see if the buzz will last, but some people wanna try because it is getting great reviews out there.

I have and love my Axe-II, and am in the position that I don't have to sell it to try the Kemper. Many are not, and want to see what the hype is about, and if it will serve their basic needs more. Most guitar players are very basic by nature and this is not the selling point of the Axe. Most guitar players don't even like tube amps that have too many knobs on the front of their amps.

We can talk all we want about the Axe not being too complicated, but this is not the opinion of most guitarists out there.

My Axe-II stays for me because it sounds great,I knew what to expect from it, and it fits certain overall requirements that others don't. Plus Cliff keeps surprising me with things I don't expect.

You can also just sum it up for many as just plain old GAS!! I'm not immune.
That's why they say that if you are about to buy something do your full research. The Axe FxII does have a learning curve,the Ultra demanded a lot more of the learning curve compared to the II.
I think this polishes your ears,your engineering skills,and your search for your personal holy grail of tone. The Kemper is the new thing out in the market and people are just buying that,I am sure most of them haven't read up on the Kemper itself.... The day they find out they would need their own large inventory of amps to make the Kemper work,I would like to see how that goes. Kemper could be great for guys that have a good collection of tube amps and effects already. The Axe FxII is way more than I need and I am willing to invest my time in to it. I had an Ultra previously and I can see how it's been a wonderful experience to upgrade. I didn't upgrade until Version 5 came out,where I felt there is now a big difference. The ease of use is amazing and that's what surprises me,that people don't want to even use the basic tweaking knobs to get their tone. All the guitar greats spent a good amount of time to achieve the tones that they have and that have made them have their original identity.

There is no easy way out of it. You'll still have to tweak a real tube amp to get the sound you want.
Oh well I guess "GAS" is something that consumes way too many people.
My 2 cts:

Problem is that Axe-Edit / Axe communication will always be buggy. That's a "You can take that to the bank" statement for me...
I'm not even saying it's the programmer, it could be the Axe, USB protocol or a combination.
If it was the programmer, I wish it was done by a better one and cost $150 or whatever...

I have a I7 930 @2.80 GHz Win7 64bit system with 6 GB of ram and have had but a handful of problems with Axe-Edit of which all have been addressed. Your comments are for one pure speculation and two quite rude to be honest. It's one thing to express concerns and/or acknowledge issues. It's quite another to use terms like ALWAYS, question the programmers skill level, and most of all insinuate that if there was a cost involved anything would be any different. I think you are better than that. That's my 2 cents.
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^Don't know what you're talking about. I have almost zero problems with Axe Edit. I use an iMac
Your day may still come. I've always had less problems with it than the seemingly many who had it crash all the time etc. But some things only come to light if you work more with it or start really paying attention (yourself and on the kind of complaints here).
Since the USB driver, I now have regular blue screens (could be a conflict with other hardware driver, so FAS driver not necessarily to blame), where I otherwise have 1 or 2 per year (could keep on going though...). Maybe I'll try MIDI again.

I hope you're wright and then buying a Mac would be the final solution (but I've "once" never had more trouble than with a Mac though, so not looking forward to that. OTOH, I still use a very old one for work, so not dissing it altogether.)
I have a I7 930 @2.80 GHz Win7 64bit system with 6 GB of ram and have had but a handful of problems with Axe-Edit of which all have been addressed. Your comments are for one pure speculation and two quite rude to be honest. It's one thing to express concerns and/or acknowledge issues. It's quite another to use terms like ALWAYS, question the programmers skill level, and most of all insinuate that if there was a cost involved anything would be any different. I think you are better than that. That's my 2 cents.

I have never had ANY issues with Axe-Edit on multiple windows machines...
My 2 cts:

If it all works, the II is probably the nicest rig for me...

Problem is that Axe-Edit / Axe communication will always be buggy. That's a "You can take that to the bank" statement for me...
I'm not even saying it's the programmer, it could be the Axe, USB protocol or a combination.
If it was the programmer, I wish it was done by a better one and cost $150 or whatever...

The more I use it, the more I seem to see proof it destabilizes the Axe, is independable, unintuitive, etc.

If someone claims it's working close to 100% for them, maybe they have the very cleanest and optimized system possible (like you needed in the early days of HD recording) and Axe-Edit is the only thing that's on it?

This fact defeats the promise of playing around with many, many presets and "forces" you to just keep 5 to 10 presets and adjust them on the Axe. The rest might be leading to too much frustration. The advantage is that you might play more though, but you have all this potential sitting there you can't be bothered with to fool around with, cause it fools around with you... :mrgreen Might as well buy something else, I could imagine...
Hmmmmm.... The Axe Edit works like a charm for me. Have you checked your USB cable or something,that could be faulty rather than the software itself.
"If someone claims it's working close to 100% for them, maybe they have the very cleanest and optimized system possible (like you needed in the early days of HD recording) and Axe-Edit is the only thing that's on it?"

Running DAW, Sound Forge, Vegas, UAD & SSL plugins, a ton of native issues here...just sayin'...
It's not THAT bad, but I'm sure it's not that simple either. I'm also talking about unintuitive stuff, etc.
I'm not the BIG complainer about it, just realizing those are probably right after all :mrgeen
It will never be seamless. And I have a pretty clean system where not often things go wrong or clash. It could be even worse if I read around.
Sure, I believe there are a handful of ppl that believe nothing goes wrong. Of course they will come out "on moments like this"... :D
My point is also (like I said), you gotta pay more attention and you might observe e.g. it does not save like it's in the Axe etc. (so good tip from others to save on the Axe itself).
And if you think you have no problems, the next version could give you problems, that's a fact.
It's also a fact that you've been given a long list of resolved bugs each time, so claiming all goes well makes me wonder about you guys...!
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I have never had ANY issues with Axe-Edit on multiple windows machines...

The few issues I have noticed were nothing major that would cause the blue screen of death or even freeze the app. I was just referring to a few issues that popped up with new revisions and were quickly addressed. Nothing major at all. There are many ways to use Axe-Edit as well and maybe the way I lay out my work flow differs from others. And yes, there will always be bugs and/or issues when you are dealing with complicated computer apps on such a wide variety of systems. I would suggest that more of the problems are system and or user related as opposed to the application itself. Of course this is only my humble opinion and hey, what would I know? :)
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Sure, I believe there are a handful of ppl that believe nothing goes wrong. Of course they will come out "on moments like this"... :D
My point is also (like I said), you gotta pay more attention and you might observe e.g. it does not save like it's in the Axe etc. (so good tip from others to save on the Axe itself).
And if you think you have no problems, the next version could give you problems, that's a fact.
It's also a fact that you've been given a long list of resolved bugs each time, so claiming all goes well makes me wonder about you guys...!
Click On Save As then New Location a window pops up with the Preset Number and Preset Name the Save Preset in Bank File is already ticked and then clic on the tick "Store Preset In Axe Fx" then click on save and it's done.:D
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