Seeing more AF2's for in FS thread lately...


Fractal Fanatic
Just wondering if those who are selling them were not as impressed as they anticipated to be? I'm an Ultra user and am considering upgrading...i know everyone who has an AF2 will invariable say jump on the boat etc...Heck, If I shelled out some serious the cash for some gear...guess what?, I'll also plug the gear purchased to also reinforce I made a good decision. I know the AF2 is incredible but the fact that everyone was jonesing so bad for the AF2's, subsequent waiting list threads etc...and now a wave (moderate) of AF2's hitting the used just wondering is all...
people can't handle it's awesomeness...

and i'm only 1/2 joking. so many people are saying things like "it's so difficult to use" or "there's so many parameters to adjust." well guess what, you're buying the best guitar product out there right now, it's not gonna be "paint by number." you think they make space ships easy to use?

i feel like people think just because they spend "a lot" of money on a product, they don't need to do anything else... just because they spent the money and bought it. it's all a learning experience and we need to continually take the time to learn new things about real amps, effects and how the axe works as well.

that said, i still think anyone can buy one, use the basic parameters and have a great sound in just a few minutes.
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Just wondering if those who are selling them were not as impressed as they anticipated to be? I'm an Ultra user and am considering upgrading...i know everyone who has an AF2 will invariable say jump on the boat etc...Heck, If I shelled out some serious the cash for some gear...guess what?, I'll also plug the gear purchased to also reinforce I made a good decision. I know the AF2 is incredible but the fact that everyone was jonesing so bad for the AF2's, subsequent waiting list threads etc...and now a wave (moderate) of AF2's hitting the used just wondering is all...
I think what happened is some people bought it but realized they are short on cash overall and reluctantly sold it. I sold my Ultra a couple of weeks back and got the II. No regrets it's truly impressive!
If you rely on your Ultra for gigging you need to plan on some overlap while you get the new unit learned. This is the only thing I would have done differently as your experience with the Ultra won't be that helpful, actually almost a hindrance because you have to think differently to build patches in the 2.

Just read the important stickies and threads (Smilefan, Scott Peterson, etc.) and block out a few days to really dive in and understand the unit. Analyze what the presets look like that you dig and build upon those to speed up your learning curve too.

Good luck, the unit is amazing!
The only reason Im going to put mine up next week is because my name came up on the list. Bought mine on Ebay last month cause I had the little extra to spend and wanted it now. LOL. So now that my name is up Ill sell mine (for coupon price) and get one with warranty. But I WILL NOT go back to a standard after having this thing!
AxeFx sold in order to free up finances for a semi-trailer full of Pop-Tarts. Those same people who are selling also happen, at this very moment, to be prancing around their bedrooms in a French Maid's outfit wearing fishnet stockings, army boots and a rubber ducky on their head. Please report back with a full explanation of your reaction to this!
Just good old GAS I'd say ..... the AF2 is the upgrade to the box that already had the best reputation in it's genre. That's moth to the flame for a lot of non gigging gear heads out there with a bit of cash .... buy it and try it then shift it on to be able to buy something else new.

In a way I envy them - not because of the buying power ... but in the fact that they can let it go again ..... I have half a room full of stuff I bought to 'try' and then couldn't bear to let go of ..... even though I never use half of it. I spent years of wanting and waiting for that stuff and I like seeing it around. I may however just force myself to shift the Ultra when the AF2 arrives .... I did say 'may' though!
I too suffer from gear separation anxiety (GSA). I have an old Lexicon PCM 41, PCM 60, TC Electronic G-Force, TC Fireworx, Roland RE-501 tape Chorus Echo, Kramer aluminum neck 8 string bass, Jerry Jones Longhorn bass...all of which I can't seem to part with....but I'll entertain offers! LOL
I had been casually looking for a used II for a couple of months, and at first, they were fairly scarce, but like the OP, I've noticed in the past two weeks, a plethora of them have come up for sale here and on TGP. Prices seem to have dropped too, from the $2600 mark down to around the $2300 mark.

Not just openly advertised either - when I replied to an ad in TGP saying I was interested in buying an advertised II, I immediately got PM's from a couple of other guys who saw my response and offered me their II's which weren't advertised.

I am assuming that most of it would be the post Christmas credit card bills are coming due and people need cash? But perhaps the complexity IS putting some people off?
i use the axe fx II in front of my tube amp for effects only. it is an essential part of my live rig. i used to have an ultra and, truthfully for my purposes, it wasn't neccessary to upgrade to the II. it could be that there are others that have felt the same and went back to their ultras. i don't hear much difference in the quality of the effects although the drive boxes sound a bit better to my ear. i know that the updates so far have primarily focused on upgrading the amp and cab blocks but i'm hoping that in a little while there will be more drive boxes and effects added (as there were with the ultra). i'm sure the II is going to be a beast in the studio but i haven't used it in that capacity yet.
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I don't see what complexity people are talking about. The basic tones that took hours at times to sound the way you want them to take only a few minutes now with the II. If this is complexity then I don't want the ease :p
I think you are finding a lot of newbies jumping in the deep end without doing thier research and subsequently realizing they are too lazy to learn the tool. I doubt very much that many of them are poeple that have upgraded.
I don't see what complexity people are talking about. The basic tones that took hours at times to sound the way you want them to take only a few minutes now with the II. If this is complexity then I don't want the ease :p

It's all relative my friend. When I first got my Ultra I was realitively new to the guitar world. I was stressing how to even hook up the cables. :shock But agreed, the II is so much easier to get good sounds from with minimal tweaking.
I don't know why and frankly I don't care. I won't sell mine.

But have you considered the fact that there are a lot more Axe-FX II units around now than, say, six months ago?
If every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane could pick up the AFX and have it mastered within a few days, and really be able to utilize it to anywhere near it's real potential, the guitar community will have reached a unimaginable and unforeseen level of knowledge and technical sophistication...and then the world will erupt into a big ball of flames (as it should). The AFX requires time, even for those who know their way around such devices. I personally think that over the last few decades, people are especially impatient and unwilling to dedicate their time to much of anything that doesn't result in a big wet kiss after one minute of engagement. Same as reading a book to study a current event compared to getting some half-baked (and generally inaccurate, tainted or misleading) summary of the topic via an internet "news" resource or (just as bad) the nightly news on TV.

...and...frankly my dear, I don't give a damn...(jeez Richard_G, you stole my thunder!!! Great minds think alike...)
It is my understanding that the warranty is only good to the original purchaser. As a result, I have to ask myself, other than the obvious wait issue, why would anyone pay waitlist plus pricing and not have a warranty? At $2,000 a used unit makes sense, not a penny more.
It's all relative my friend. When I first got my Ultra I was realitively new to the guitar world. I was stressing how to even hook up the cables. :shock But agreed, the II is so much easier to get good sounds from with minimal tweaking.
Yea I absolutely agree with you man. It's just that I am beginning to feel people don't want to invest their time in to the unit. They expect that paying above 2000 dollars would get them at the holy grail of tone. I think people are really used to being fed with a golden spoon in their mouth. They want to pay money to have a place like a 5 start hotel suite with all the services at their fingertips. The wiser people on the other hand pay the same amount of money and develop their own place,and design it the way they like to. The Axe FxII is just like a place that you design and build with your own ideas and it's not a 5 star hotel suite. It's all about making an effort to get your sounds. I am glad the Axe FxII is the way it is,I guess people need to learn the concept of patience once more.

Cheers :).
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