Saturationswitch on / off with expression-pedal


Is it possible to switch the saturation-switch on and off with an expression-pedal? I've tried several ways, but going from "off" to "Ideal" passes "authentic". That means a volume-drop before you reach Ideal...
I don't want to use scenes for this, because I use my expr.pedal for going from crunch to lead with all parameters connected to the pedal.

Thanks for any reply.
So I suppose it's not possible?

i asked this to Cliff at LA AMP show, his reponse was "yes we can add it". it didnt happen, since i dont need it anymore i didnt ask again...

i wish we could attach modifiers and external controllers to all parameters
In the modifier edit area change mid to 0%. It will skip over ideal.

Tried it, but the volumedrop is still there. It's better then with mid on 50%, but a slower movement of the pedal makes the "authentic-volumedrop' still noticeable.
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